Season 1, Episode 3: A Spark

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Birds chirping in the winds, singing to their hearts content. The wind blows softly in the air.

The soft air swooshes around the curtains that blinds the inside and the outside of one's room.

The girl, feeling the suns ray hitting her soft skin, wakes up from the slumber which she just fell into hours ago.

She rubs her eyes lightly, regaining which was her soul that was wandering about in the dream world. And looked at the time.

The clock strikes 7.03 AM. Perfect time for gettig ready and breakfast. And so she went to the bathroom and get herself freshened up with a warm shower and a soak in the bath.

At the same time...

A man, which was sleeping in his room wakes up as the light pierces through the glass. And if it's not enough, the alarm from his phone ranged loudly. Enough to deafen people in the 2m radius.

He turns off the alarm, and went back to bed again. The drowsiness from his eyes has not find a new habitat, and loved to live on his eyes.

A knock was heard from beyond the door of his confinement. He ignores it and covered his ears with his pillow.

"Caelus, wake up. School's about to start." A soft female voice called out to the eternal slumbering galactic baseballer.

"Five....minutes...." Said Galactic Baseballer that's about to fall into the dreamscape once more.

And then someone barged into the room, and gave Caelus a hard whack on his head.

"OW!" Caelus flinched after getting a whack on his head.

"Wake up, Bastard. School's starting in 10 mins." An annoyed voice of a woman said to Caelus.

"Fucking hell, can you NOT whack my head that HARD?!" Caelus shouts at the woman that whacked his head, which was Stelle, with a little pissed off face.

"Everyone's ready and up, and you're lazing around like this. Now get up lazy-ass." Stelle scolds Caelus. In which, Caelus just clicks his tongue.

Caelus rubbed the place he got whacked at, and just went to the restroom and freshen himself up.

Afterwards, he put on his uniform, tidying it up before coming out of the restroom and walked to school. Not with the rest because he's..well..late to wake up.

Time went on as the party of the Nokianvirtanen childrens walks to school, and so did the Iris family's daughter.

Whilst Dan Heng, March, and Stelle walked together..Caelus lost in the device he's holding onto. Scrolling for some food ideas to make for dinner. And even finding spots to come and sight-see onto.

As he walks with his phone out. He bumped into someone on the way.

"Ack!" "Hya!"

Both figures stumbled and one of them fell down.

"Oh no!! My breakfast!" The figure whom was on the ground said out.

Caelus shakes his head after bumping onto someone. Holding onto his head as well.

"Hwa!? I-Im sorry!" The figure stood up and bowed down.

"..Firefly?" Caelus called out.

"Ca-Caelus?!" Firefly looked down in embarassment and sorry in her eyes. "I-Im sorry for bumping into you!!"

"Hey, it's okay." Caelus re-affirms. "I have a spare sandwich i prepared myself..." Caelus scratched his head as he said it while holding onto his lunch box. "I have two, so take one.." he gazes to the right a little bit.

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