Prologue part 1

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Leviathan pov

I was many things I was Commander-in-Chief of the marines because of my sister Imu being younger as he did not get the marking of Leviathan that transfer to the newborn era to the throne but I want him to have a fun life away form the chaotic life I also married Hyi and former Admiral as well as. my wife is wonderful and the Hydra marking a weaker version of my Leviathan marking I felt sad for them our ship the Levi. Where we are former Rocks Pirates as we were forced to as I made a deal with him saving my men with him we were heading to the east blue the safest of the four seas. I hope my son has a huge amount of friends as In this boat is a chest that is his birthday gift filled with Devil Fruits to give to my son with my journal as we lowered the boat my younger son only a baby with my 6 year old son holding him I let out a small tear I hope they will have a good life this is good for him as if he was with me he would be in danger and that would be worse than him no knowing his father or his mother as I cried a bit holding back my tears as this is for the best. I hope you grow up to be big and strong I gave Mihawk my sword after I defeated him in a duel making sure my son will get one day it name was cocytus the black blade of frost one of the 12 supreme blades and the strongest being it also having the strongest curse that makes the blade very picky on how can use it. forged from 100 smith from Wano freezed in the ice of the Levithan marking the last use of the owner before it was passed down to me only a member of my clan can use the blade; they also must have the Leviathan markings to use the blade with freezing to death. I have lived since the Void Century my rival and closest friend was Joyboy a close friend he was the funniest man but I sad that I had to kill him he was a good person but he wanted to overthrow my brother rule over the world I was the first to support his dream of making a world of peace and me as well Imu are descended of monster Leviathan the leader of the Devils and 4 gods till the Devils out of Envy of his mighty power tried to kill the mighty monster of the Sea turning them into fruits the leader of this rebellion was the closest friend Nika the sun god. But the fish type fruits sided with Leviathan allowing them to still swim. But others cursed with the loss of the ability to swim as the sea hates them especially Nika fruit that has been lost to time or so I have been told. Gol D. Roger has been caught a few weeks ago and is going to die and I helped with a fishman raid his name was Fisher Tiger. I helped him free the slaves. I felt bad for them but like many evil beings I will be forgotten into time as I hear someone boarding this ship. But it still had heavy fog. There must be some weak pirates, nothing more but I barely had the strength to stand as I am nearing the end of my long very long life.

Arlong pov

We board a huge metal ship it seemed like something I have seen this before as me and 100 Fishaman was now we're no the deck to see a weaken Levithan I ran to him as and looked at him he gave me hope as he gave almost every fishman hope he was the vice captain of the Sun pirates and showed me that not all humans are bad and can be good people. "Are you okay?" I asked as I looked at him. He gave me some of his own blood to save my life so I see him like a father. He made my physical strength stronger, faster and more durable if he dies than who I am going to live for? "I am good but nearing the end of my life." He said weakly with his wife not being in a better state my eyes transform (River 1) as my claws sharpen my nose get sharper as I grew a bit and my eyes became like a Lord of Coast my scales became sharper it two more fins grew out of my forearms gave me greater speed and strength with more defense. "Why are you smiling?" As asked in a frenzy as I looked at him "My sons here in the east blue please help them if you find them..." He said this as he died as I cried them being both sadness of losing someone close and finding out there is a new hope. The last gift was his children as this is my greatest hope. "Where is the closest island?" I ask them as they look at each other as then one of them opens their mouth "the Conomi Islands." A member of my crew of one hundred fishman told me I smile this is going to me make an empire were they can be safe under my wings till they grow strong enough this ship is huge as we see something come out of the water Fin the pet of Levathfin a huge sea emperor form the All blue and it was bigger than the fishman island and the greatest weapon of him other than his true form a close relative to the lord of the coast. Unlike the lord of the coast it is known to lead huge packs of Sea Kings. As I look at him the beast sounds sad. As we rose the sails were way faster than a normal boat as it was rivaling fishman sailfish at full speed in the water, our fastest man. As I pull a lever it sinks and goes under water and then as I push the lever back it rises to the surface of the water bursting out. It could fit 100000 men easily with 100 officer rooms being three times bigger and 5 commander rooms being ten times bigger than the officer rooms. 1 room being five times larger than the commander rooms. I remember his title 'yonko' as a marine; he was the only emperor of the sea. A symbol of strength a pure leadership this title was taken on by three of the four emperor of the sea all being rocks pirates those being Big mom, Kaidou, White bread each being a fierce rivals to each other and to keep balance among the grand line but yonko can be a high ranking member of the pirates crew of the pirate king crew. That might be his dream to get to and that would be fine to me and something that should be fun and I will be happy to stand by his side.

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