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Everything was perfect as Kasia watched the movie while cuddled up in the seat with a blanket Theo brought her.
It smelt like him which only made her more relaxed.
They were in the back so that no one was behind them.
She knew Theo did all this for a reason that he wasn't telling her.
She just went with it because what could ruin such a perfect date?
"Falling asleep?" he asked.
"Not yet," she said before looking at him.
"Thank you for this," she said.
"It's ok.
I wanted to have time with just you.
You make me wish we were the only ones on this earth" he said.
"Who would be there if we got sick with each other?" she said.
"We wouldn't," he said before tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear causing her heart to race.
"I love that sound," he said as he listened to her heartbeat.
She took his hand before placing it on her chest.
He looked at her before looking at her lips.
"You make it race.
Sometimes I think you're going to put me in cardiac arrest" she said with a smile.
He smiled at her "Are you trying to build my ego?" he asked.
I'm telling you the truth" she said.
"Don't say that" he said.
"Why?" she asked.
"You're gonna make me do something I'll regret," he said.
"I'm ok with that," she said.
He groaned before leaning forward.
He smashes his lips into hers and for a second her heart stops.
She hadn't been kissed since she was thirteen and that was because a group of boys dared the guy to kiss her.
This wasn't like that.
It was heated, passionate and made her feel light-headed.
She broke from him to take in a few breaths before looking at him.
"Still ok with this?" he asked.
She nodded as she struggled to think let alone talk.
"I need it to be verbal," he said.
"Yes," she said.
He kissed her again as the movie became background noise in seconds.
Their lips moved together in a perfect rhythm as she struggled to stop.
She wanted more as her body glowed because of him.
He pulled her closer to him as she moaned into the kiss.
She then broke the kiss before panting.
She looked at him with hearts in her eyes.
Kasia had always been the girl no guy wanted but now she finally felt like those pretty girls who walk around with confidence she will never have.
She felt like a woman when he kissed her.
"Have you ever slept with a guy before?" Theo asked as his claws dragged down her back.
I don't think you understand that I'm not the kind of girl that men fantasize about" she said with a smile.
"I fantasize about you.
I fantasize about kissing you.
I fantasize about touching you.
I fantasize about watching your face contort in pleasure" he said before kissing her quickly as she struggled to understand what he meant.
He wanted her and that feeling wasn't something that she was used to.

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