5. Mizpah.

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As the transformation reached its zenith, the blue mist dissipated, leaving behind a bewildered, brand-new human. Alarick trembled, attempting to rise from the cold soil beneath his tender skin. Naked and disoriented, he blinked rapidly against the moon's radiance, his eyes wide and darting all over his newfound, unfamiliar form. 

The world around him seemed to spin. His senses were overwhelmed by the unfamiliar sensations coursing through his body. Every movement, every breath, felt strange and foreign, even more than when he awoke after his beloved had saved him from the brink of death.

His limbs, devoid of any energy, buckled, and air rushed out of his lungs when he crumpled to the ground. Panic threatened to engulf him as he grappled with the sudden reality he was thrust into.

But then, a calming presence enveloped him, soothing his racing heart and quieting his frantic thoughts. It was as if a gentle hand was guiding him through the chaos, offering reassurance amid uncertainty. With a deep breath, he forced himself to focus.

As the haze over his eyes lifted, Alarick found himself staring at the smiling face of beauty incarnate before him. Electric blues stunned him into stillness, his heartbeats stuttering to a stop before the pride etched onto her features wrapped around him like the thickest of fur.

Warmth revived his organs, urging them into motion, and he reached up with a reluctant hand. Skin met skin, sparks erupted across both of their flushed bodies. His fingers barely grazed her cheek, uncertainty evident in their movements. Alaraick didn't know what else to do. He yearned, no, craved for more, and he couldn't help but wonder how humans normally moved their limbs.

"Come, my sweet Alarick," Accalia spoke gently, her voice caressing his entirety. She reached for his hand, grasping it tightly in hers. "Let us get you up."

Something unfathomable within him overflowed, nearly drowning him beneath its intense and relentless tidal waves. Heat trickled through his veins as he squeezed back, tightening his hold before letting her guide him to a sitting position. Accalia nodded encouragingly, extending her other arm. When he gripped it, she carefully pulled him up to his full height.

His unsteady legs felt foreign and untested as he stood, and they wobbled. Alarick swayed and quickly retracted his hands. When his body bent forward, however, hers intercepted an impending fall. Circling his waist, her touch skimmed his back before offering gentle pats of reassurance. The silk of her gown tickled him, while the sensation of her hot, smooth skin against his sensitive body sent shivers down his spine, igniting a thousand flickering flames in the depths of his soul.

"Do not hasten, Alarick," she chided playfully. "Allow me to assist you. Even Kings require a little help every now and then."

His arms hung limp, his towering frame nearly folded in half as he leaned against her for support. His mouth opened and closed, repeatedly. "I was afraid I might hurt you," he wanted to say. Yet, nothing but air and strangled noises emanated. Frustration furrowed his brows, and Alarick growled under his breath.

Mirth shook Accalia's body in soft chuckles before snapping her fingers. An azure aura gradually enveloped the two of them and slowly lifted them to float midair above the cliff. 

Alarick instinctively gripped her smooth, white dress, his knuckles whitening as his arms tightened around her shoulders. He swallowed hard, squeezing his eyes shut. It was one thing to go from standing on four legs to two, and now he was flying? 

Accalia twirled them once, amusement lightening up her expression. The breeze played with his disheveled mop of raven locks and nibbled on his youthful and unblemished face. The moon's radiance intensified as she craned her head upward toward the bright sphere of light. The silver rays seeped into his bones, blessing him before they landed back on the familiar ground. 

Grass tickled his feet and he wiggled his toes. Then, his eyelids fluttered open to find himself standing on his own exactly where he was moments ago. Frantically, he scanned his surroundings for her. Did she leave? 

Ashen orbs landed on moonlight strands and intense aquamarines watching his every move as she stood atop a rock by the edge of the cliff.

Rooted to his spot, Alarick hesitated. The overwhelming need to get closer to her, to go to his awaiting beloved, however, took control of his limbs and he lifted his leg. One foot after the other, he stumbled and paused, but advanced nonetheless.

Unprecedented embarrassment shot through him and his steps faltered, his eyes unable to meet hers. His body, however, moved on its own until he stopped in front of her. 

His gaze roamed her slender neck, and dainty, exposed shoulders. Alarick's incisors grew smaller with the change but were still as sharp as ever, and they ached with an overwhelming desire to sink into her soft flesh. Swallowing, he shook his head to rid it of such unnecessary, unwanted thoughts and focused on her tender eyes instead.

Accalia beamed, proud of him for his quick learning and great achievement, and a fire raged within him at the breathtaking sight. Transfixed, he slowly sunk to his knee before her. Bowing his head, Alarick bared his neck in submission.

Her smile faltered at the unexpected and heartwarming gesture. Balling her fists, Accalia heaved an exhale. She knelt in front of him as well and pressed her forehead to his in silent communication. Both closed their eyes as the bond that had formed between them thrummed with life and satisfaction.

Silver met blue, and Alarick inhaled deeply.

"My Moon," he rasped in a deep, breathy voice. "My love."

And thus, mizpah concluded, paving the way for another bond of closeness to blossom instead.

And thus, mizpah concluded, paving the way for another bond of closeness to blossom instead

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Word count: 966.

Total word count: 5466.

Accalia and Alarick's first and second meetings are different from Adaliah and Emrys'.

The rock atop which Accalia stood made an appearance in chapter 5 of: The Dark Side Of The Moon.


Mizpah: It's a Hebrew word that means 'watchtower' and is loosely interpreted as 'May God watch over you'. During the Victorian era, the practice of engraving rings and other types of jewelry with the word "MIZPAH" grew in popularity. Thus, the word now also indicates the deep emotional bond between people, especially those separated by distance or death. 

(Artist of 1st pic: AthenaRyssa on DeviantArt)

(Artist of 1st pic: AthenaRyssa on DeviantArt)

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