Chapter 5

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 There was no way Kelly wasn't going to show up. Besides the fact that she got butterflies in her stomach every time she saw Sebastian, she knew she needed a lot of work in Defense against the dark arts.

Sebastian and Ominis sat by the large stained glass window in the common room, Sebastian unable to focus. He glanced about the room, settling on watching the kelp dance outside. The windows looked into Black Lake, and if you watched long enough you could see some curious creatures swim by.

"I can't wait to meet the new girl," Ominis said, "Although I feel like I know her, since you never stop talking about her."

"Shut up!" Sebastian cried out, smacking his friend on the shoulder. The two had met their first year, and were inseparable. Ominis even came home with Sebastian over the holidays, practically his brother. "We defeated a troll- of course I have to brag about it."

"Sure, the troll is what you're so excited about." Ominis said, rolling his white cloudy eyes. The man had been blind his whole life, but he saw through Sebastian's lies anyways. Nothing could get past him.

"Ominis if you embarrass me I swear-"

"Hey guys!"

A chipper voice interrupted Sebastian's threat. He turned back to see Kelly's bright smile lighting up her pretty face. "You must be Ominis."

At his mention, he smiled up at her. His white blonde hair practically glowing in the low light. "Pleasure to meet you. I've heard so much about you."

Kelly took a seat across the way from the two boys, settling in and pulling out her books.

Ominis and Kelly continued to chat, discussing their hometowns and backgrounds. Sebastian listened intently, trying to learn everything he could about the new student.

"You're lucky Sebastian was punished with bringing you into Hogsmeade. You found yourself with the best duellist in our year to fight a bloody troll."

Sebastian's chest swelled with pride. He was the winner of the schoolwide dueling competition two years in a row- but who was counting? But he noticed Kelly's face dropped, a bit sullen when she asked, "What do you mean, punished?"

He felt guilty then. It had been an informal punishment for his transgressions the previous school years- he wasn't known for following the rules. But the way Ominis phrased it, it sounded as though he had been reluctant to guide the new girl. Of course, as soon as he had met her he considered it a treat to get to spend the afternoon with her.

"He only means that I was in trouble quite a bit the previous years. Always sneaking into areas I shouldn't, forgetting homeworks, the like. Weasley asked me to show you around as a way to keep an eye on me. But bringing you to Hogsmeade wasn't a punishment!" He rushed out, trying to keep her from having her feelings hurt. The last thing he wanted was for her to believe he didn't want to spend more time with her. "I had a lot of fun."

Kelly plastered a smile back on her face, trying not to show any hurt. It did feel as though he thought taking her to Hogsmeade had been a burden, and it made her heart sink. Why would any student want to show around the new girl, after all?

However, another part of the conversation grabbed her attention. Sebastian had experience getting into locked areas of the castle- could he help her into the Restricted Section?

Sebastian held his breath, trying to read her facial expressions. He knew the comment had hurt her feelings, but she played it off with a smile.

"Honestly you'd be better off with a boggart showing you around," Ominis quipped, "you'd get in less trouble that way. They're better looking too."

To Sebastian's relief, Kelly laughed at that. He smiled and eased back into his reading, the trio continuing in companionable silence. 

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