Chapter 21

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Kelly sipped her tea, admiring the delicate white teacups that Natty had provided for their girl date today. All of her girlfriends were present- Imelda, Natty, and Poppy. She had never thought the group would get along, but somehow they clicked. She laughed as Imelda regaled the group with her flight practice story from the day.

"Then his pants ripped completely- all the way from front to back. I just thank Merlin today wasn't the day he chose to fly commando."

Kelly practically spat out her tea laughing so hard. Imelda was an enthusiastic storyteller, but everything she said was made funnier by her thick Scottish accent.

"I don't know, I think I might like to see that." Natty piped in, a mischievous smile lighting up her face.

Imelda made a gagging sound, and Poppy giggled, "Do you like him?"

Natty shook her head, "No but I can still enjoy a good view."

"A good view!" Imelda cried, "A good view is the waterfall on the south side of the castle, not Garreth Weasley's buttcrack."

The table howled with laughter that filled the whole greenhouse. They had elected to hold their tea party there, surrounded by the beautiful plants. If they had chosen to go outside, they would surely freeze as winter was still coming to a close. Inside, the warmth of the plants and lights kept the girls thawed.

"I don't know, he's not bad... for a Gryffindor," Kelly added.

"I'm telling Sebastian!" Imelda teased.

The girls carried on laughing and teasing one another until it was time for class. They packed up and headed out.

Kelly started to feel foggy. As she mounted the stairs in the entrance hall, she forgot why she had been headed that way at all. Which class was she meant to be going to? And where was she coming from?

She stopped in her tracks and tried to recollect herself, but her whole mind became consumed with thoughts of Leander Prewitt.

One track minded, she swiveled on her heels, determined to find him. She walked like a zombie, not focusing on anything but her destination. She was overcome with infatuation, and couldn't focus on anything else. She didn't even notice her boyfriend, casually strolling towards her.

"Kelly, where are you going?" Sebastian asked, catching her hand as she brushed past.

She turned back slowly, a small smile on her face.

"Oh, hi," She said, aloof, "I'm looking for Leander. Have you seen him?"

He was baffled. Why was she nonchalant about not waiting for him, when that was what they had always done? He was taken aback by her answer, and couldn't help the niggling of jealousy in his stomach.

"Whatever for?"

"To tell him I love him!" She exclaimed, smiling wide and a blush growing on her cheeks.

Sebastian saw red. "What!" He yelled, so loud that several students turned to gawk at them. His hands balled in his fists and he felt like the ground had been yanked out from under him. What had changed in so little time? Why would she tell him like this?

"What. The. Fuck. Are you talking about?" He spit through his teeth, keeping down a scream. He couldn't tell if this feeling was anger or heartbreak.

Kelly hardly reacted. In fact, she seemed to completely disregard his feelings. She shrugged her shoulders, looking around for Leander, "Have you seen him?"

"What is wrong with you?" He asked, hands on her shoulders to redirect her attention to him. That's when he smelled it. A whiff of roses coming off his girlfriend. Suddenly, everything clicked into place. Amortencia, he thought, Prewitt gave her his love potion.

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