Chapter 8

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Sebastian didn't mind detention. He had been in it more than his fair share, but it was at worst boring and at best a good time to reflect.

Today, Sebastian couldn't get his new friend off of his mind. He hadn't seen her since last night when he abandoned her in the darkness of the Restricted section, and he hoped she had found what she needed. While he had no doubt she could handle herself, he knew the ghosts still creeped her out and would have liked to help her more. Not to mention he loved spending time with her- more than he could admit to himself.

Lost in thought of her and her angelic curls, detention passed by before he knew it. He gathered his books and strode out the door, where the very girl he had been dreaming of stood waiting.

He couldn't contain the smile that spread across his face, and she smiled back. "Hey Sebastian!"

His heart beat out of his chest. She was even more beautiful than he had pictured her all day, and it left him struggling for words. He walked over to her, all smiles, "Hey, missed you in detention." He joked.

Kelly's face fell, full of guilt. "I know, I'm so sorry you got in trouble. I want to make it up to you somehow."

His face warmed, cursing himself internally for losing composure when she was around. "If you found your book, then it was worth it."

"I did!" She grinned, "all thanks to you."

"When you win a medal for your investigation bringing down a goblin gang, please thank me in your speech."

Kelly laughed and smacked her hand on his arm. He felt an electric spark run through him- what was wrong with him? He focused back on what the girl was saying to him.

"-can explain everything, I feel like I at least owe you that much," she said sincerely.

Sebastian had missed the first part of the sentence, and fumbled to respond. He came up with an idea then- a genius way to have some alone time.

"Come with me."

The pair walked through the halls until they turned around a bend of the stairs and came to a halt in front of an old clock. It was taller than Kelly was, with a pale face decorated with stars. When Sebastian stepped closer, he clicked a hidden button and the front half of the clock peeled apart, revealing a doorway.

"Don't show anyone," Sebastian said with a playful smile on his face.

"Does this mean there are secret passageways all over school?" Kelly asked excitedly.

"Of course there are. I can show you a few others, but I'm going to have to start charging you."

Kelly laughed and followed him in, through a small stone passage that opened into a large corridor. Stone columns held up the ceiling of the empty space. Some barrels and old furniture dotted the area randomly, but otherwise it was clear the room wasn't in use.

"Welcome to the Undercroft. Ominis, Anne, and I found this place our first year. We would come down and practice spells, or just hang out. No one else is ever in here, so it was our private space. Now it can be yours too."

Kelly's heart warmed at his act of trust. She could tell this place was special to him, and she felt honored to be worthy of sharing it. She felt certain then that she made the right choice to tell him the truth.

"Thank you," she said earnestly, "it's time I share something with you too. The reason I've been in all these seemingly random attacks are all connected to an ability Professor Fig and I discovered I have- to see and wield ancient magic."

"I've read about that!" Sebastian's eyes lit up, his eyebrows raising, "that's how you fought the troll. I've never seen magic like that, I knew it had to be special"

Kelly's face flushed. "I still don't understand it entirely- how it all connects, or how to use my power. But I can see small blue traces around items that possess ancient magic still, and they guide me. I saw them around the port key before the dragon attack, and around the book last night. The port key only activated when I held it, so somehow everything involving Ranrock and Rookwood has to do with this power."

Sebastian was practically giddy with excitement. He had read of powers like this, but never thought he would meet anyone capable. He felt as though he was a part of history, if only because he fought by her side against the troll.

"This is the coolest thing to ever happen to me" he exclaimed. Kelly laughed, thankful he didn't freak out.

"It feels nice to tell someone. I've been in over my head trying to handle it all alone."

Sebastian smiled and stepped closer subconsciously. "You can tell me anything. And next time you have to fight someone don't hesitate to invite me."

He prayed she would include him in her further adventures. 

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