The Only Way

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Hermione lay on Draco's lap reading her transfiguration book and copying notes into her journal. The midday sun kissed their faces with a pleasant warmth. Considering it was early January it was particularly mild.

The pair had spent their lunch hour in the gardens, on the North side of the castle. A splendid array of snowdrops littered the grounds; their white bell-shapes waving in a tender wind, whilst the steady drip of water from decorative fountains could be heard nearby.

Christmas had been utterly magical. They'd stuffed their faces with sweet treats of endless variety, (luckily the order had brought supplies with Draco's letter), watched their favourite TV shows and films until their eyes grew sore and played twister (a muggle game in which hands and feet are placed on coloured circles, dictated by a spinner). Hermione found this particularly amusing when Draco ended up accidentally doing the splits when aiming for a particularly hard to reach green circle.

Draco had composed a song on an old dusty guitar he found in the back of Hermione's cupboard - his Christmas present to her. And she had repayed his gift in kisses and baked his favourite: dark chocolate cookies in return. The events of their recent encounter with the death eaters had vanished into distant memory, and they cherished every moment together.

Now back at Hogwarts, they spent most free periods together: taking strolls and chatting about whatever came to mind.

Hermione had just flicked the page over in her transfiguration book, Draco twirling her hair between his fingers, when a pale slytherin boy with dark hair and vivid emerald eyes approached them. Draco looked up first, recognising the student as seventh year Aiden Banks - Head Boy and Chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team. He was lean, muscular and had recently started growing some light stubble above his lip and on his upper cheeks.He stopped abruptly, realising he was intruding on a private moment. He cleared his throat and Hermione looked up.

'I've been told to pass on a message to you Draco. Your father is waiting for you outside our common room. He seemed quite agitated. Wouldn't give me any information. Just says he wants to see you. Says it's urgent.'

Draco and Hermione shared concerned looks. Banks gave a look of mild concern.

'Everything all right Draco?'

Banks was not looking at Hermione, he kept his gaze fixed on Draco the whole time. It was almost as if she were invisible.

'Yes, I suppose my father is unhappy I didn't come home for Christmas that's all. I'll go and see him now. Thank you Banks.'

'No problem Draco, no problem at all.'

Banks did not seem convinced by this story, but he nodded curtly to Draco, turned on his heels and walked back across the lawn towards the castle.

'Notice how he didn't pay me the slightest bit of attention?' said Hermione in an unconcerned manner, closing her book.

She was used to this from the Slytherin's of course, but it seemed to have got worse since her and Draco had become an item.

'Pffft!' Draco said, his head rising with the sound in smug disbelief. I don't care what he thinks Hermione. Or what any of them think for that matter.

She squeezed his hand in hers and their heartbeats quickened at the touch.

'I better go, Draco said, turning to Hermione. I expect it is partly because I didn't return home for Christmas. But I'd imagine there is more to it than that. But don't worry, I won't let him or anyone talk me out of seeing you.'

Hermione beamed at him.

'Well I'll see you in History of Magic this afternoon' she said. Kissing him on the head and he placed a delicate peck on her cheek in return and they both parted; Hermione to Charms, whilst Draco slithered his way through the dungeons to meet his father.


Draco's father was rotating his serpent head cane in his hands, the perfectly polished silver glowing in the light of the braziers. He saw Draco approach and gestured him to follow, winding his way to a more discrete area of the dungeons. Draco quietly obeyed, his heart pounding in his chest, apprehensive about what his father might say.

Mr Malfoy was not his usual impeccable self. His face was unshaven with a mid length stubble, his hair rather unkempt and greasy, and there were dark circles beneath his eyes. His suit and longcoat however, remained unblemished.
The silence snaked through the air and sent a chill down Draco's spine. Then without warning, Draco was thrust hard against the wall his father's hands gripping his shirt and tie, knuckles pressing on his windpipe.

'Wh-wh-what are you doing?' He spluttered in panic. Lucius' eyes were full of a cold fury, he looked rather insane.

'How dare you bring dishonour to this family! How dare you risk your life for filth and scum like her! If you were not my son I would...'

He did not finish his words. Draco was gasping for air. He released his hold in one backward motion of his arm, but he left his hand raised in mid air in a threatening position. Draco cowered against the wall, taking deep rasping breaths.

'I am meeting Krul and Zardak today. They want ten thousand galleons a week to keep their silence. Yes, your mother thought it best to keep that little bit of information out of the letter Draco. She didn't want to worry you. Even after you have threatened to drag our family name through the dirt.'

He eyed the cowardly figure in front of him, sneering as he continued.

'I'm meeting them tonight to deliver the next payment. But they will not get another galleon out of me. Oh no. I have a plan. You see, death eater or not, nobody will destroy or threaten this family. You will help me atone for your mistake Draco. You have landed us in this mess, so you will help me clean it up. Starting with Krul and Zardak.'

He turned to look at his son, and this time there was no malice in his voice but disappointment and desperation. He was pleading.

'I expected better from you Draco. But we can put this all behind us. There is no choice Draco. No other way. Krul and Zardak must be stopped at all costs or bit by bit and galleon-by-galleon they will tear our family apart. We must do it tonight, and you will need to be ready when the time comes.'

Draco rose to a standing position, leaning against the cool stone his adam's apple aching.

'Ready for what?' he stammered. For a moment, it looked as if the next words had got stuck in Lucius' throat, but when he spoke them they were delivered with a calm conviction.

'To kill, Draco. You will need to be ready to kill.'

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