Chapter 11

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The Sun Hawk was waiting, investigating the area. They had caught a couple of fish with their bow and cooked them over a makeshift campfire. This was in case they needed to stay the night and have something for dinner. They would have to eat it cold since lighting a fire in the middle of the darkness was too risky; it would reveal their position. They had also prepared plenty of ammunition, which would come in handy if they entered into combat. With few words, Aloy informed them of the Kerstrels' plans and how she had learned that King Avad would remain alive until the next nightfall, though they wouldn't hesitate to kill him if things got complicated.

"So they want to take him to the Ring... Hmm... Maybe we can intercept them during the journey," Talanah proposed, deep in thought.

"Now that you mention it, near the settlement, on the path they'll take, there are some large rocks where we could hide and ambush them when they arrive. And the fact that they want to put on a grand spectacle guarantees that he'll stay alive until then, if they don't catch us, of course."

"Perfect, but how is he doing?"

"Well... as you can imagine, he's not in the best of conditions... When they kidnapped him, they forced him to take something, and he's not in his right mind... And between that and the fact that they've assaulted him... he told me he can't move, which is why, even though I've been with him in the cage, I haven't set him free. We would have been caught trying to escape, and it would have been a catastrophe."

"What a disaster..." Talanah sighed. "Let's hope everything goes well... Hopefully, we can avoid another war."

The wait for such an important event felt endless, but it was the only thing they could do. Every hunter knows that rushing toward their prey when it's not the right time ruins the hunt. In a mission like this, there was no room for error.


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Since this chapter is very short, I will publish an extra one this week ✨

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