Chapter 23

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"Alright, I'm finished attending to everyone." Avad said, closing the door behind him.

"What about Aloy?" asked Blameless Marad, not wanting to lose a single second.

"This morning, as we were returning to the palace, she asked me if I was free for a while before sunset. It's the plan we postponed a few days ago, but she already had it in mind."

"She might want to take you to a special place to watch the sunset."

"Yes, I thought the same... She asked me if I knew how to climb. Do you know of such a place?"

"She's a huntress, and a traveler too, so she must know countless incredible spots nearby. The important thing is why you called me, right?"

"I think it's the right time. I feel that we're growing closer every day, and I should stop putting it off. I don't want her to leave without telling her how I feel. But I don't know how to say it..."

"I agree. I've noticed something different between you two during the times I've seen you together, something I didn't notice before or couldn't perceive. She cares a lot about how you're doing."

"I just need to find the right words." Avad mumbled, looking out the window.

"Do you think she's being honest with you?" Marad asked, getting closer.

"Yes, of course..."

"Be yourself, and everything will be fine. If she's fallen in love with you, it's because of how you are." he affirmed.

"I-I'll try." Avad replied, looking down, his face turning red by the minute "Thank you for your advices."

"That's why I'm here." he said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Besides, how could anyone reject the most handsome Sun-King there has ever been, is, and will be?" he exclaimed, shaking him by the shoulders.

"Shh! They might hear you!" Avad said, looking towards the door, feeling his face redden even more.

"I'm just saying the truth." his advisor replied, smiling.

"Come on, don't overdo it." Avad said, giving him a playful punch on the arm. They said their goodbyes, and he headed to his room. He knocked on the door to see if she was inside. "Aloy?" When there was no answer, he entered. He decided to dress up for the occasion, wearing his white attire as the Sun-King but without the crown. He didn't have much more clothing, as he dedicated himself entirely to his work. Besides, it looked good on him. His injuries were barely noticeable now, so he could show off without a problem. This attire didn't hinder his mobility, so it was suitable for climbing. She dressed in her Nora clothing, which she felt more comfortable in, and redid her braids, giving her a more elegant appearance since some were already a bit disheveled. Afterward, she went for a walk, thinking about what to do with her feelings. Above all, she didn't want to hurt him; her mission wasn't over, and sooner or later, she would have to leave the city.

Both of them waited anxiously for the moment, each on their own.

The time was approaching. Aloy impatiently headed to the place where they would meet, with the mount waiting on the outskirts of the city. She expected that maybe he wouldn't be thrilled about the plan, but if he decided to give it a try, he'd enjoy it, perhaps even more than the galloper ride. But just in case, she had a Plan B.

"Hello." he greeted upon arriving, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Oh, hi, I didn't see you coming." she responded in surprise. "Ready to go?"

"Yes." he nodded with determination. They left the city and mounted the strider.

"One last thing. Before we leave, I want you to know that we won't leave Sunfall, but we'll move away a bit from Meridian. I don't know if that's okay with you." she said, not starting the machine yet.

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