Chapter 12

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A cart pulled by a squadron of soldiers set off from the settlement at noon, heading for Sunfall. What they didn't know was that the warriors lay in wait behind the rock, ready to pounce on them without warning. The desert was silent, the calm before the storm. Suddenly, footsteps could be heard approaching on the road. The sound grew clearer with each passing moment. They tensed their muscles, ready to attack mercilessly to free Avad from his torment. But before doing anything, Aloy wanted to assess their chances, so she activated her focus. The carriage was surrounded by about twenty-five soldiers. In addition to them, there were the five pulling the vehicle, and the general inside, holding Avad firmly, his sword at the ready. They knew they became much more vulnerable leaving their fortress, so they had taken the necessary precautions to ensure that the king did not make it through that day. Aloy grabbed Talanah by the wrist.

"Don't attack." she murmured, her voice tense, gripping her friend's arm tightly.

"What?" Talanah asked at almost inaudible volume, her weapons in hand and ready for the ambush.

"Trust me, please, I'll explain later." she replied. The footsteps were growing louder.

"Why, Aloy? Why?!" Talanah exclaimed, furrowing her brow and whispering.

"Avad's life is at stake, if we attack..." the Nora said, but fell silent. She made a gesture of a throat being cut to try to explain it to the Sun-Hawk without making a sound, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. The group was already too close, and they might hear them. After an endless few seconds, the footsteps began to fade away, and they passed by.

"You'd better have a great explanation. Because I know you, and if not for that, I would have attacked without thinking twice." Talanah said, annoyed by the interruption.

"Thanks for trusting me. Avad was inside the cart, but he wasn't alone. They were aware that they were much more vulnerable outside their walls, so the general was holding him with one arm, and his sword in his hand, placed over his neck, ready to take his life if the journey got complicated."

"What? But how can you know that?" Talanah asked, bewildered "It's impossible that you've seen it if we're both out here.

"With... the second sight." she replied, pointing to her focus.

"With... that?" she asked, confused.

"It's... a long story, I'll tell you more later."

"Fair enough, let's go now." Talanah ordered, pointing towards the cart "It's best to keep them under surveillance."

They knew the route to Sunfall perfectly, so they kept a safe distance from the cart. They were almost silent during most of the journey, never losing sight of the vehicle. They had until that night to come up with a plan, and given that an important event was approaching, there would be plenty of security.

"Do you have any plans?" the Sun-Hawk asked.

"No. There's only one detail I've thought of. What I told you earlier, about how I knew that Avad and the commander were inside the cart, it was because of the device I have in my ear, remember?"


"Well, other people who have the same thing can see that I have one, and they could catch me. I'm disguised as a soldier, and they don't have any device like this, so we need to find a way to leave it behind, even though that will be a big inconvenience in finding Avad. If they see us following them from inside the city, it will be very conspicuous... Besides, if by chance, the Sun-Hawk of the Meridian Hunter's Lodge enters the Sun-Ring to witness the death of her king... It would be more than suspicious."

"You're right. Maybe I should stay outside, but it's dangerous for you to go in alone; you'll need help to get out." Aloy's eyes sparkled "That means you've come up with something, haven't you?" Talanah pointed out, seeing her expression.

"I have a plan." she announced with a smile on her face.

"That's the spirit!" Talanah responded enthusiastically.

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