Chapter 19

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Aloy woke up abruptly in the middle of the night, surprised by a sudden blow to her leg.

"No... please..." she heard Avad beg. She quickly sat up, feeling a twinge in her ribs due to the sudden movement. She went on high alert, expecting there might be more people in the room. She reached for her spear, which rested by the bed, casting a dim light with its focus. The huntress listened carefully, ready to defend the king at all costs. When she didn't hear anything else, Aloy switched on her focus. There was no one else in the room besides the two of them, so she finally turned to the king.

"Please... don't do it." he stammered in terror, covering his face with his hands.

"Avad, are you okay?" she asked with concern, moving closer to the bed and sitting beside him.

"No, please..." he begged.

"What's wrong? Calm down; I'm here. No one can harm you." she said gently, trying to soothe him. But he wasn't listening, still suffering and imploring someone for mercy.

"Please." he seemed absent. "Stop!"

"Avad..." she whispered.

"Jiran... please, don't do it." he continued to beg for mercy, from... his father. Aloy was taken aback, gently placing a hand on his uninjured shoulder, trying to talk to him.

"No! I don't want to see it!" he shouted, growing more and more agitated, with sweat beading on his forehead and a look of terror on his face. "Let go of me!" he screamed, thrashing about in desperation.

"He must be asleep, having a... nightmare." she said with pity. Unfortunately, that was the case. With every passing second, he became more tense, and his words grew louder. "Avad, you have nothing to fear... I'm here to protect you from whatever... is happeni-" she said, interrupted by his shout.

"No! No!" he yelled, desperate, with a tear rolling down his cheek to fall onto the pillow.

"Avad... I don't know if you can hear me..." she said gently, encircling him with her arms, avoiding his wounds to avoid causing harm, "but I'm here..." He struggled in an odd way. He didn't try to break free from her embrace; instead, he drew closer to her, as if retreating from something threatening, trembling and seeking refuge in her arms. Their bodies drew closer, and despite his nervousness, his screams gradually subsided into incomprehensible murmurs.

"Ah... Aloy..." he sighed, his voice trembling.

"Yes... it's me... Nothing will happen to you." she whispered in his ear.

The Sun-King sighed again as she gently ran a hand through his hair, slightly damp from sweat, and not as smooth as the first time she had touched it, given all the remains of those harsh days. The monarch mumbled a few incomprehensible words, but whatever he was saying, it soon subsided. Everything seemed to be returning to calm. Suddenly, Aloy gasped as she felt the king had encircled her with one of his arms, significantly pulling their bodies closer until they collided with each other. The hunter blushed upon feeling the king's breath on her forehead. She carefully snuggled into his chest, sensing his heartbeat gradually slowing. Aloy closed her eyes and relaxed. For a moment, she felt truly comfortable in his arms. She gently stroked his chest, lost in her thoughts, inhaling the pleasant scent of the Sun-King. She sighed, thinking about the comforting feeling as she felt herself drift into a deep sleep.

 She sighed, thinking about the comforting feeling as she felt herself drift into a deep sleep

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ✨

Poor Avad 🥺 Perhaps we'll uncover more about her past in the chapters to come 👀

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