Trial of 9 Hell - Gluttony

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Velskud: ...

Garuda: So you must be my new host~! I am Garuda and it's a pleasure to meet a handsome stud man such as you. Hehe~

Velskud: Pleasure to meet you, Lady Garuda. I am Velskud... I need to know how to defeat Judas.

Garuda: Judas's role was never to rule this 9 Hell... He is not worthy. The only way to defeat him? You must collect 'Soul of Eikon' like me, you must defeat every lords of hell on every floor and we'll aid you on your journey... Together~.

Velskud: *Smirk a bit.* Very well then.

Garuda: gosh, you had a nice appearance. Hehe~! ...Howay Velskud!




Kris: For the ruinous of Gluttony, are these said souls broken by the rain and the mud... they're forced to lie in vile, freezing lush, Guarded by the Cerberus. Ciacco of Florence is here.

Velskud: Disgusting... I'm guessing this Cerberus was guarded the next gate floor?

Kris: Indeed. However, I trusted you both willing to take down this vile creature.

Knox: What's that beast creature down there...?

Rosie: That is Cerberus of Hell... One of the Hades's favourite pets, it was once three headed dog who also guarded his own hell- but somehow? Cerberus lost in time and bringing here, Gluttony floor, and turning himself into nothing more but a vile creature.

Knox: I see...

Rosie: Velskud? I sense that you hold a great power after killing Demon of Lust. Garuda, wasn't it?

Velskud: Yes. It speaks to me once... I know how to defeat Judas.

Kris: As I expected... well, I am sure that you know what to do. Defeat every other princes of Hell and you get the power that you need to defeat him. Now go! both of you.


Both Velskud and Knox goes down, Overcoming the deadly obstacles while fighting demons along the way as they both make it quickly. Both of them having a conversation, Velskud wanting to know about Knox...

Velskud: So tell me... why did you do it?

Knox: What?

Velskud: The Sins. Why?

Knox: I... I did a terrible things back at your homeland Sanctuary. 9 of them. I had no choice but to go 9 trial with you and I know you're innocent, so-

Velskud: So you decided to changed because of 'her', right?

Knox: ...Yes.

Velskud: Then we're almost there.

(With Kris and Rosie)

Kris: We must go as well, To Avarice floor. Both of them will make their way. onto the next floor and no worries about them.

Rosie: Understood. And Kris? When we should tell them?

Kris: Once we meet them in Heresy floor. But worry not, I'll do the talking and explain this to them.

Rosie: I never doubt you, Kris.

Kris: I know you do, Master Rosie... Let's make haste!

(Glutton of the Dead)

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