Chapter 1 - Equipment gift, Kara, arrived at Gosha Academy.

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(Tomb of Nephalem - Dungeon)

Geraint: I see. So you were following them for doing an evil plan?

Shiranui: That is correct. However, We need you to come with us and we want you wanted to defeat Edwin Black. 

Geraint: Very well. I cannot join you when I'm like unprepared, so let's go deep into this dungeon of mine.

Tatsurou: "Dungeon"? wait, you say this isn't your tomb??

Geraint: Never said it once. *He then picks up the book* Looks like they forgot. Fools... *He then gives the history of the book to them* Here, You can read it whenever you want but that would be later. So follow me.

Yukikaze takes the book history from his hand. They followed him into the deep dungeon while they having a conversation.

Rinko: So... You're "Nephalem". What does that mean?

Geraint: It means, I was born with Dragon's and God's blood. Nephalem are the forebears. The offspring of Angel and Demon, their existence would forever alter the balance of power in the great conflict. So as you can see, I was awakened by NOT that filthy blood... so one of you sees right through me.

Yukikaze & Shiranui:...

Tatsurou: Whoa! Angel does exist?

Geraint: Yes, They're everywhere. Even you guys see, right now.

Rinko: You gold feather wings, right?

Geraint: Yes...

After the conversation, They finally reach the end of the room. Geraint opens the door which is full of gold, and a chest is around the room, Gold coins was just laying around everywhere. The Taimanin were amazed at how the room filled with gold and a book on every shelf.

Geraint: Feel free to look around, I'm going to get my equipment.

Shiranui: I follow you!

Geraint opens another door from the left, and he takes his Galatine greatsword, trench coat, and his necklace cross as he looks at the cross and realizes something.

Shiranui: *She goes to him

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Shiranui: *She goes to him. She looks at his pendant and then looks at her* You okay?

Geraint: Yeah... It reminds me of something but it doesn't matter now, I guess.  *say he wears it on his neck* Let's go.

Shiranui nods as they both get out of the room. Calling them to get ready to get back to the base.

Rinko: Tatsurou? Are you stealing the gold coin?

Tatsurou: Whaaaat? of course not, big sis, you know I'm more interested than a gold coin.

Rinko: Uh-huh.

Geraint: This gold is barely an illusion. *flick his finger to show them to truth and all of them are nothing dust*

Tatsurou: Wha- wait. *he checks on his back, nothing but dust* oh for the love of- urgh.

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