Start anew

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I am a vessel, a giver of light
But it seems my purpose is not quite right
For those around me, I am just a tool
To use and discard, without any rule

I give and give until I am drained
But when I need help, no one remained
They disappear, leaving me alone
To face my struggles and fears on my own

I am tired of being taken for granted
My heart and soul have been heavily planted
With the weight of others' needs and wants
But when it's my turn, no one responds

I dream of escaping to a new place
Where no one knows my name or face
A city where I can start anew
And leave behind this endless cycle of being used

I long to disappear, to be invisible
To escape from those who are so fickle
They only want me when it's convenient
But when I need them, they are absent

I am more than just a listening ear
I have my own dreams and fears
But they don't see, they don't care
As long as I am there to bear

The weight of their problems and their pain
It's all too much, I can't sustain
This constant giving without receiving
It's time for me to start believing

That I am worthy of more than this
That I deserve to be loved and not dismissed
I will leave this city and start anew
And finally, I'll be free from being used.


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