04 | Natalia

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I'm beyond pissed off.

I'm fuming.



Any word that is a synonym for angry, that's me.

My body feels as if it's igniting in flames and my head feels like it's almost on the brink of detachment.The headache that's seconds away from invading my head is taking everything in me not to rip all my fucking hair out.

Instead, I might rip out the hair of the woman standing in front of me.

My mother towers over me by a good 5 inches. Her eyes are pensive, and the stare alone is enough to for me to cower back but I'm way too pissed off to back down now.

"What do you mean I'm not ready?" I grit out harshly, reminding myself to breathe through the bullshit that's about to be thrown my way.

"It's sounds exactly what it means." She quips back, her tone resembling boredom.

I bite the inside of my cheek until I taste copper. My mother's smart-ass response only worsens the rage I'm feeling. I almost imagine what it'd feel like if I gave Octavia the element of surprise and slapped her one of these days.

But then I'd have to deal with the underlying guilt because at the end of the day, she's still my mother.

Yeah, but your mother is a raging bitch.

"I've worked my ass off for years. And on a random Tuesday you're going to tell me I'm not ready?" I fume.

I try to relieve the pressure that's forming in me by pressing my fingernails to the palm of my hand but it does absolutely nothing.

"Owning a company isn't easy, Natalia." My mother rolls her eyes, ignoring the low snarl that was just released from my mouth.

She knows she's pissing me off. She just doesn't give a fuck.

"So what the fuck do you want me to do?" I curse, glaring at the unfamiliar woman in front of me.

My mother is a Class A bitch if she can't even look her daughter in the eye right now.

A silence passes before she speaks up, "I need you to watch your tone."

Still isn't looking in my direction. As if those fake ass nails are more interesting than I am.

I mentally curse as I lean back into my seat.

We're currently in my parent's family office, and my father isn't anywhere to be seen. He's been missing for majority of my life so his absence doesn't faze me.

The walls of the office are wrapped in navy blue wallpaper. Dark bookshelves are lined behind my mother who's sitting across the desk from me.

I can't believe I ever used to call this place 'home'. The office lacks life and so does the rest of the house. There's not a single family photo, other than the random portraits we'd take for the company that are slapped on top of magazine covers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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