Snow Day

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i started this a while back when it snowed where i live. this is mainly just a wholesome snow day for the ninja. not exactly centered around cole and kai but it definitely has its moments


"Guys, look!" Jay shouted excitedly. "It's snowing!"
"Wait, really?" Lloyd asked, looking up from his Starfarer comic.
"Yeah!" Jay answered.
"I wanna see!" Lloyd said as he hopped up from his spot on the couch.
"Woah..." Lloyd whispered as he gazed out the window.

   "What's up, everyone?" Nya asked. Jay quickly pulled her over to the window.
   "It's snowing!" he said cheerfully.
   "Oh, that's a lot more snow than usual," she said.
   "I know right!"

"Okay, let me see," Kai said, finally giving into the temptation. He pushed Jay out of the way to see what was so amazing.
"You guys are so childish," Cole said as he went to sneak a peek himself.

Everyone lightly pushed each other around until they were all crowded in a spot where they could see out the window. Zane joined them too after washing the dishes.

A soft, thick blanket of snow coated the monastery grounds. And the amount of snow only seemed to be piling up.

Their breaths fogged up the window and Jay drew a smiley face.

"Cute," Nya commented causing Jay to beam brightly.

Soon they were all doodling over the window. Zane looked over at Kai's and shot a disapproving look his way. It was a dick.

Maybe it was the magic of having a snow day, but something Lloyd would typically try to appear unamused by made him snicker like a little kid.

Cole snorted while Jay let out a small laugh. Nya sighed. Zane quickly erased Kai's...artwork while Kai tried to protest through laughs.

"Can we go out in the snow?" Lloyd asked.
"Yes! Screw training when we can have the snowball fight of the century!" Nya agreed. "Who's in?"
"I am!" Cole said immediately.
"Me too," Kai agreed.
"Me three!" Jay cried. "Or is it me five because I'm the fifth one saying it?" he questioned himself. No one answered him and instead looked to see Zane's response.

"I, too, shall participate in the snowball fight," Zane said. "But I suggest wearing warm waterproof attire beforehand." He miraculously had a bin full of clothing suited for the weather in his arms. Everyone stared for a moment as he set it down.

   "I didn't even know that we had this," Nya said.
   "Like Master Wu said, 'Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it,'" Zane quoted.
   "Couldn't have said it better myself," Cole agreed.

They dug through the bin and got on their coats, scarves, hats, earmuffs, gloves, and everything else before walking out to the winter wonderland.

"Damn, it's bright," Kai said, the light of the sun reflecting off the white of the snow.
"Finally, I was overheating in there," Nya said.
"How many layers do you need?" Cole asked Jay.
"It's not my fault I get cold easily!" Jay retorted.

Lloyd leaned over and picked up the snow and shaped it.
"It's the good kind!" he reported. Everyone cheered and walked around, feet crunching in the snow.

   "SNOWBALL FIGHT!" Lloyd shouted. "Kai, Nya, you're on my team! I'll get the snow and you guys will be offense and defense!"
"Jay, Zane! It's us against them and I refuse to lose!" Cole announced.
"I wasn't planning on it," Zane said with his arms already full with snowballs.

   "Kinda hard to win when you don't have the Master of Ice to control the snow!" Cole shouted.
   "Did you forget that Nya can control the water in those things?" Lloyd asked.
   " NOW GET THEM!" Cole ordered.

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