Late Rides and Golden Skies

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   Cole paced back and forth outside his house, anxiously biting his lip.

   Kai was supposed to have arrived at his place by now but he was late. Punctuality was never his thing, but whenever they had plans, Kai was usually only late by a few minutes. Cole had been standing outside for half an hour now though.

   He frustratedly kicked a small rock and it soared into the air before landing on the asphalt.

   Just then, Cole heard the rumble of a vehicle. He looked up and saw someone riding a red motorcycle. It was weird because he had never seen it around his neighborhood before and they just weren't all that common.

   He expected it to pass by, but the person slowed to a stop by Cole. When the guy stepped off, Cole realized it was Kai.

   Since when did he have a motorcycle?

   "Hey, Cole! Sorry I'm late," Kai apologized, running a hand through his wind blown hair, trying to smooth it out.
"Dude," Cole said in awe. "When the hell did you get a fucking motorcycle?"
   "Just today," Kai replied. "Isn't it awesome?"
"Yeah. It looks pretty sick." Cole admired the shiny red color.

"Wanna give it a spin?" Kai asked, holding the keys up with two fingers.
"Really?" Cole asked, eyes widening in surprise.
"Yeah. I don't see why not." Kai elbowed him with a smirk.
"Hell yeah!" Cole agreed. Kai smiled and twirled the keys in his fingers, causing them to jingle faintly against each other.

   Kai got on the motorcycle and beckoned Cole over.
   "So, uh, how does this work?" Cole asked dumbly.
   "You just sit on the back, you idiot. It's like a bike."
   "Right." Cole nodded. He lifted his leg over the motorcycle and sat behind Kai.

   "No helmet?"
"Eh, I haven't bought one." Kai shrugged. "Plus, it cramps my style."
"You should wear one."
"Can't make me, Mom," Kai mocked. "There's, like, no one on the road right now anyway."
"And what if people show up later?" Cole shot back.
"Okay, okay! I'll buy one later!" Kai said. Cole seemed satisfied with that answer and smiled.

   "You done now?"
   "Alright. Hold on tight then!"

   Once Cole had wrapped his arms around his waist, Kai started driving.

Since it was Cole's first time riding the motorcycle, Kai decided to go at a cruising speed.

Just kidding.

Cole wished.

The air hitting them was strong and cold, making Cole shiver. His dark hair whipped around wildly in the wind. He couldn't help but tighten his arms around Kai. The action didn't go unnoticed by his friend.

He shouted something unintelligible due to the wind muffling his voice.

"WHAT!?" Cole yelled.
"I asked if riding a motorcycle scared you!" Kai repeated, louder this time.
"Actually," Cole shouted back, "I'm scared of the person driving it!"
"Very funny!" Cole could've sworn Kai sped up after that.

"Stop squeezing me so tight!" Kai complained.
"I'm gonna fall off if I don't! Besides, you told me to, remember!?"
"You'll be fine, you big baby!"

   Cole held onto Kai even tighter just to annoy him further.

   "You're the absolute worst!" Kai shouted. Although Cole couldn't see his face, he could tell by Kai's voice that he was smiling.

They continued to drive for what must've been the most terrifying 10 minutes of Cole's entire life before Kai stopped in what appeared to be the middle of nowhere.

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