8. Plan in action

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Hiya X I bet your all thinking 'Finally a chapter on time!'

Hope you enjoy!

Rachael X (I'm gonna do my actual name now)


Natsu P.O.V

'Ok, Let's smash this shit!' I shouted. As you can tell I am very excited that I will see Lucy again!

'Calm down Natsu. We must be silent or they will detect us' Erza whispered loudly

We got round to where Lucy's room was supposed to be. We more estimated than guessed because a guess would of been like the room next to the libary whereas our estimate is obviously the highest room in the entire Heartfilia mansion. Obviously! I mean what spoilt young girl in her right mind would not pick the princess tower (Sorry if this was offensive), overlooking the gardens round the back of the house.

We break into the bottom floor and there are 2 guards by the stairs. Erza transforms into a maid outfit and walks past them. Her job is to blend in and clear any suspicious guards/ ones in the way. She will also lead the way to Lucy's room. Once Erza took both the guards out we snook past them, making sure not to alert the other guards about 20 meters away.

On the second floor there are no guards but Erza can sense security lasers, so Gray freezes them. Now all that's left is the staircase to Lucy's room.

'Why did you say that?!' A voice shouted at the top of the stairs behind a shut door.

'STOP!!!' LUCY! Lucy IS up there.

'Well good job the maids know healing spells because your face is really bruised up MY fioncé' Who is that? That voice sounds familiar.

I said with a tight throat but certain 'Albert'


Can you help me? I put Albert as a new generation dragon slayer but what type?

New account: DoNotTellMe
YouTube: AbbyasMercy

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