11. I cannot believe we forgot Erza!

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Lucy P.O.V

We have been sitting out side for the last hour waiting for Erza to come out the doors victorious, but the longer she takes the less hope we have of her return.

"I'm not going to sit around all day. Erza could really need our help in there. What do you say Happy?"

"Aye Sir!"

"I really don't think you should go back in there Lucy. It is too dangerous" Natsu said worringly.

"MY KEYS!" How could I be so stupid and selfish. My keys are still in there! I need them, and if anything happened Aquarius would kill me. I start for the entrance until I feel two warm arms wrap around my waist.

"Lucy" Natsu whispers in my ear. "Please don't, for me. You need to get somewhere save. Please"

"But-" "I will get your keys, don't worry" His voice is soothing and he kisses my temple then Natsu and Happy are off to the entrance, to find Erza... and my keys.

"Ready Lucy?" I forgot Gray was here

"But Natsu said-"

"Who cares what Natsu said, I need your help"

I swear I just saw something blue thing the corner of my eye. It looked like Juvia ripping a bush to shreads... must of been my imagination.

"With what?"

"I want to tell Juvia how I feel. Ever since that night Erza told me to express and tell her my fellings, I cannot help but pick out all the positive things about her. She is determined, she is pretty and she cares about everyone at the guild."

"Just tell her what you feel deep inside" I try giving advice but he just grimaces and looks away as if I said something terrible.

"I don't understand, everyone I have talked to have said that... well apart from Cana she told me to buy her drinks."

"Heh she would say that, and what I mean by 'look deep inside' is that what you said. Tell her i don't know... try this." I cough, wait why did I cough?

"Juvia" I grab Gray's hand for the effect "Recently our relationship has grown and we are closer together, I like your determination, your care for everyone at the guild and your beauty I love you."

"Hey! You blonde headed bimbo what do you think you are doing with my beloved Gray." Juvia screeches.

"Gray I will leave you alone with her and say something along them lines." He smiles and I hide round the corner.

"Juvia I love your determination, but... that's not the only thing I like. I like your care for others and your smile. I also love the way your eyes light up when you see me, I want to be the first person to see your smile and your face light up. I want us to have fun together, ad to create memories, and maybe one day create a family, because Juvia I love you." Gray's hand is on her cheek. Gray leans in and a madly blushing Juvia leans in and kisses Gray.

"Ok now time to get my keys" I whisper.

Hope you enjoyed!

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