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Hana was sure something was off with her uncle. She hadn't heard from him in almost two weeks. Was she being too needy?

Was she even allowed to be concerned? He was a supervillain; after all, maybe it was best that she didn't know what he was doing or where he was. Still, she couldn't stop herself from taking the train downtown toward his apartment.

It's for his plants. That was how she justified it.

She wanted to make sure his plants were alive.

That he was alive.

When Hana unlocked her uncle's apartment door, she found it the same. She looked in the fridge to see it empty. She looked at the small potted Hosta plant she had got him.

"Hey, little guy, you look thirsty..." Hana whispered to the plant.

The Hosta shook one of its leaves, and she laughed. Hana turned on the sink faucet, and brown hot shot out. Hana frowned and turned the faucet off.

"You don't want that," Hana said to the Hosta.

The Hosta shook its leaves, saying, "Please, no."

She took her water bottle out of her bookbag and poured water into the dry soil.

"That's better!" Hana smiled, putting the Hosta back in its spot near the window.

She heard snoring from her uncle's bedroom. She walked towards his bedroom to see him passed out on his bed. He was in his boxers and only had one pillow. Clothes and dirty bandages scattered across the bedroom floor.

She walked towards him and touched his shoulder. He didn't move.

"Uncle... wake up..." she said sweetly.

He didn't budge. She rolled her eyes and made her way back to the living room. She grabbed her water bottle.

She returned to her uncle's bedroom and poured water on his face. He shot up immediately and let out a feral yell. He looked around, momentarily confused, before focusing on his niece. He wiped his face.

"It's too early for this." He said

Hana furrowed her eyebrows, "It's almost three in the afternoon."

He looked at the clock on his bedside table. So it was...

"When did you get home? Have you paid the water bill?" Hana handed him a towel.

"Not sure... and no. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was worried... I haven't heard from you in a while... I thought something happened." She said, sitting on his bed.

She expected some reassuring smile, but his expression was blank.

"Shouldn't you be at school?"

Hana stared at him, "It's Saturday."

"Shit... since when?"

"Since midnight this morning," Hana replied blandly.

"I gotta get a calendar," Jin said, covering his face.

"No one really uses calendars anymore..." Hana laughed.

He grunted and got up off his bed.

"Kids these days have no respect for a good calendar."

"You don't have any food in your fridge, by the way," Hana said, following him into the living room.

"Yeah, I haven't been back to my apartment in a while... I was just in the area last night, and I didn't want to get back to HQ."

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