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Hana Kātā was a good fighter. Midnight had trained her hard for her body to be at peak physical performance. But no matter how fast and flexible Hana was.

Edgeshot was faster.

And to be frank, Edgeshot was better.

Hana would send several vines after him and he would slick through them and punch her.

He didn't say he wouldn't hit her back but it did take her back. Granted it wasn't hard enough to break anything. But it did hurt.

Her head hit the wall and she winced.

Edgeshot sighed.

"We've been at this for five hours straight." Edgeshot jumped over a vine with his hands behind his back.

That wasn't completely true. She would take small breaks, probably in hopes not to overwork herself. Edgeshot had been told stories about what would happen if she did.

"Why... are you... getting... tired?" She would pause and let out ragged breaths.

Edgeshot blinked. "Not at all but it seems you would like to-"

She tried to tackle him while he was talking. He didn't even dodge her, he simply kicked her in the chest and sent her flying backwards.

She cursed him under her breath and punched her bare chest. Her white button up shirt had been discarded she worked in a white tank top. She wished she hadn't decided to wear her skirt.

Hana began trying to get the wind back into her lungs by breathing in deeply.

"Tell me what rank are you in your class?" Edgeshot asked.

"Tenth." Hana coughed out with an eye half shut.

"Not first?" He asked genuinely intrigued.

She didn't know if she should take his "shock" as a compliment or not.

"Todoroki Shoto is first." Hana let her head touch the training rooms' cold wall.

"Makes sense... don't you think it's sad how hero work is slowly turning into a genetics race?" He sat down in front of her.

Far enough so she couldn't touch. But close enough so their conversation was intimate.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean how familial ties can make you have a better chance of being closer to the top."

"Todoroki works hard." Hana defended.

"Who's the second in your class?"

"Iida Tenya." She answered after a brief pause.

"His brother is Ingenium?" Edgeshot asked although he knew the answer.

"That's not-"

"Who's the highest ranking girl in your class?"

"Yaoyorozu Momo-"

"Are her parents wealthy?"

Hana said nothing and glared. Her classmates worked hard to be at the top it had nothing to do with familial ties or status.

"You don't have to agree. I'm just pointing it out. Although I'm shocked you don't agree-"

"Why's that?" Hana asked.

Edgeshot said nothing.

"Well from my understanding your family does not make much money."

"Yeah and how do you know that?" Hana snapped.

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