Looking back at a certain Story

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So around a year ago I took a retrospective at one of my older stories called Where the Heart Is.

The day after I posted it, I found it to be cringy, weird, and angsty and I didn't read it for a little while. I was even considering making it an au because I didn't like it that much!

But a few weeks ago, I reread the story and looked back on it and it almost made me cry a little (I know that sounds weird, but I'm just making a point).

Basically Brianna goes back to her home country to spend Lunar New Year with her family and hopes for the best only for it to not be too different from her original time there and realized that she was just as unhappy as she was before she left to join the answer teams. As she leaves, she reflects on the day she first started growing out her hair which made her remember why she cut it in the first place and what her short hair means to her. She also realizes that her friends were her true family all along and silently cuts her parents out of her life and decides to still talk and visit sometimes so they won't get suspicious and make her return home for good.

Looking back on the story, it's not really an angst story as I originally thought when I first made it but more or less one about leaving behind toxic relationships.

A lesson that I don't think is taught much is the lesson to cut somebody out of their life even if it is your family. If somebody doesn't respect your feelings, treat you right, make you feel bad, and are just overall not very good for you, you have a right to just not talk to them anymore.

Throughout her life Brianna wanted so badly for her parents to love her and give her affection but slowly realizes that probably won't happen and comes to accept it. However, she also notices that someone else is giving her the same affection she very desperately craved from her family and decides to stay with them over her parents, and sees them as her true family which is a completely valid thing to do.

If you're ever in a situation like Brianna's, leave. It's not your fault, you're not the problem or anything of the sorts. You aren't a bad person and you're the negative things people tell you.

You are a valid human being who deserves much better than what you're going through and that's an objective fact.

You are loved, you are Special ❤️

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