Chapter 18

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Chaewon still doesn't believe that she's in Japan.

Even standing in Narita International Airport, she still can't believe she's here to see Yunjin after all this time.

"Our cab should be waiting for us!" Aeri says as they walk away from luggage claim.

She wordlessly follows Aeri, and stays quiet even upon arriving at their hotel.

Aeri doesn't seem to mind though, continuously chatting about anything and everything in regards to Japan.

(Chaewon figures Aeri's notices Chaewon's silent state, but doesn't say anything about it.)

"You okay?" Aeri asks as they sit across from each other in their hotel room.

They're currently sat on the small dining table, eating takeout that Aeri ordered for them.

"I will be... I hope." Chaewon mumbles the last part.

Aeri smiles at her reassuringly, "If it helps, I think you'd be a very welcome guest."

Chaewon offers her a smile before turning back to her food.


After a quick nap, soon enough both Chaewon and Aeri find themselves at the concert venue.

Makuhari Event Hall, capable of housing a total of 9,000 people. The fact that Yunjin was able to sell out both days if her concert within minutes if tickets releasing is unmanaginable to Chaewon.

The seats that Yunjin got for Aeri is on the floor, the closest any can can be to Yunjin, the area right in front of the stage. It's close enough that Yunjin will be able to recognise them from her place up on stage.

Chaewon's heart is practically thrashing in her chest as she takes her seat next to Aeri. Both of them have mask on, as per entry rules, which Chaewon was glad for because she didn't want an onslaught of Yunjin's fans recognising her.

"I'm so excited! And she gets to perform her Japanese tr-"

Aeri's rambling was interrupted when the lights dim and the opening for one of Yunjin's songs suddenly starts blasting through the speakers.

"AHHHHH! IT'S STARTING!" Aeri screams right into Chaewon's ear. Which she almost didn't catch due to the way everyone around them exploded into screeches.

It's then when Yunjin walks out, wearing a white outfit with pearls and jewels attached to it. Fiercely looking into the camera thats projecting her onto the screen.

As if everyones screams weren't loud enough, it somehow managed to get 10x louder.

Despite all this Chaewon doesn't pay any mind to them, her eyes locked in on Yunjin's alluring gaze. Her mind foggy, all previous emotions of panic somehow eveporated just seeing Yunjin in the flesh.

Yunjin starts performing and Chaewon's further left speechless at the sight of Yunjin doing what she loves.


She was born for the stage no doubt. If she never became an idol, Chaewon firmly believes one way or another Yunjin would have found herself in the industry either way, whether that be an actor or a singer. There's no world where Yunjin isn't born to showcase her talents in front of other people.

But insecurity rises in Chaewon's chest, the words Heejin told her are loud and clear, almost completely taking her out of her Yunjin induced gaze.

It's at that point when Yunjin finishes her opening song, she walks towards the edge of the to get a better look at all her fans, her practically glowing as she takes in the whole venue.

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