8- Divination

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"Granger? Of all the girls he could ask- he asked Granger?" Draco repeated in disbelief, scowering the Gryffindor table for the bushy-haired Mudblood. It was dinner on Thursday night, and Pansy had just revealed to him, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle that Granger of all the girls had been asked by Viktor Krum to the Yule Ball. 

"Yes, Draco fricking Malfoy, that is what I've said three times now!" Pansy said agitated, as she stabbed at her lasanga vigorously with her fork, clearly bothered. 

Crabbe leant over to Draco and whsipered, "She wanted Krum to invite her." 

Draco's lips made an 'O' shape, and he looked away thoughtfully when his eyes kept catching sight of Potter. He quickly looked away when Potter caught his eyes once, but it happened a second time, when Draco shot his head away first. 

Then later, when Malfoy looked to be looking down at something intensley in his lap, Harry caught a longer glimpse of the Slytherin Prince's beautiful complexion; pale, smooth skin, slender body figure, and gorgeous soft locks of white blonde hair that looked like snow. 

Probably spends a lot of money on expensive hair products. The simple thought made Harry smile.

A few minutes later, Harry was still admiring Malfoy's skin being reflected stunningly in the warm fire light of the fire hanging on the walls, when Ron next to him nudged him. "Hey, you alright mate?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah." Harry diverted his gaze from Malfoy to Ron. 

"Who were you looking at just now?" Ron peered over to the group of friends at the Slytherin table.

"Oh, uh... Parkinson."


"Yeah, she uh... the infuriated look on her face is amusing."

Ron looked over at Parkinson and chuckled; the girl was indeed still jabbing at her food angrily, though she was no longer being rude toward her friends.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows and looked up from the book he was reading in his lap under the table, which was titled; Magical Myths of the Deep, and turned to face Blaise beside him. "Blaise, have a look at this." He handed over the book to Blaise who read aloud, his voice at a volume only their group could hear if they were listening.

"Chapter 13: Water's Magical Affects on Sound Waves
Any body of water -tampered with magic or not- can muffle any sound almost as much as the 'Muffliato' spell, and/ or, depending on the volume, can even mute sound waves completely (though this does also varey depending on the width and depth range of a body of water). 

However, there are some exceptions to sounds not being muffled or silenced underwater - these instead, being re-heard as something different through water's currents..."

Blaise stopped reading. "What does this have to do with anything?"

"Remember the egg? It was undetectable what the clue was- I think maybe if I opened it underwater somewhere-"

"The answer would be clear." Blaise finished for him. "Good plan."  

That night, the elegant Slytherin Prince tossed and turned under the covers of the queen-sized bed in his own bedroom. He was continuously being woken up by fearful nightmares, and being kept awake by the fierce rainstorm outside, his tall diamond-paned windows flashing with every lightning strike from the raging night sky.

All the while, a messy-haired brunette Gryffindor lay peacefully awake in bed, not bothered by the slightest sound from indoors besides his roomates' soft snoring.


The next morning, the class of both Slytherins and Gryffindors filed into the Divination classroom, the room of which being draped in red and magenta shawls as always. 

"Welcome, everyone," Trelawney greeted, as people begun taking their seats. In every single class they had together, Slytherins and Gryffindors would pretty much be as far away as possible from eachother, hence why today, the room was divided into sides of red and green uniform like always. 

Harry, Ron and Hermione sat together, with Draco, Pansy and Blaise on another table across the room, and Crabbe and Goyle were sitting at a table above the trio. Trelawney scanned everyone's arrangements through her bug-like bubble glasses.

"Yes, yes... hold up!" She stopped, looking between Harry and Draco's tables. "I'm going to need someone from both of your groups to move- only partners of two for this lesson, please!"

Ron sank back in his chair, and Hermione looked away, whistling. Grunting, Harry reluctantly grabbed his bag, and shifted to one of the empty tables in between the thin line of Slytherins and Gryffindors. 

On the other side of the room, Pansy and Blaise were ushering Draco to stand up, until he finally did, and walked over to the seat next to Harry. The blonde gave his friends a death glare, promising he'll make them want to sleep with one eye open.

Harry said nothing as Draco came to sit next to him, and instead pretended to bend down and tie his shoelace. When Harry bent back up though, his head collided with the table, causing the crystal ball in the middle to get knocked off its stand. 

"Careful Potter!" Draco quickly caught it before it rolled off the table, and put it back in its stand carefully as he scowled at Harry. "Merlin, were you raised in a cupboard or something?"

Harry said nothing to that, and lowered his eyelids to be half-closed; he'd already had enough of the Slytherin. 

The lesson went on the same as always; Trelawney explained a bunch of gibberish, and more than half the class fell asleep including Draco. Harry watched Malfoy sleeping peacefully; he looked so cute when relaxed instead of having a scowl painting his beautiful face.

Eventually, Harry's emerald eyes drifted back to the crystal ball in the middle of the round table, and he squinted them slightly when a small cloud of smoke erupted in the ball. 

Gradually, the small smoke cloud grew to be about an inch or two from the glass perimeter, and slowly, begun forming two shapes. Harry watched the forming vision intensely, not taking his eyes off of it.

At last, the smoke came to be in the form of Harry and... Malfoy? 

Malfoy's platinum hair was dripping wet and clinging to his face, and he looked to be gasping for air with skin concerningly paler than normal.


Harry came into the picture, dropping down beside the Slytherin boy, his tone screaming concern. Harry grabbed Malfoy by his shoulders,

'Draco! You're - you're alive... '

The brunette cupped both sides of Malfoy's face...

"Mr. Potter!" Professor Trewlawney said agitated at Harry, who was snapped back to reality suddenly, making him lose balance in his seat and topple over- his head landing right in Malfoy's lap.

Draco stirred in his sleep. "Mmph, wha... " -He saw Harry's head in his lap- "Potter? GET OFF!" Harry didn't argue, and quickly sat back upright in his own seat, both he and Malfoy's faces turning redder than his Gryffindor robes.

Neither of the two boys noticed that their pinkies were still touching underneath the clothed table, and if one of them did, he clearly didn't mind.

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