13- Their first kiss

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The entire Hospital Wing was silent. Harry had been buzzed out of the room my Madam Pomfrey the first time he tried getting in to see Draco, so he'd discreetly snuck in under the invisibility cloak to sit by the blonde Slytherin's side, waiting worriedly as minutes that felt like hours ticked past.

Draco's chest rose and fell with every breath he took. He's just asleep, Harry kept reminding himself. But with every long and suspensful minute that went past, Harry found himself losing more and more hope.

After what felt like an eternity, the doors opened, and Harry fumbled for his cloak, when he realized it was Ron and Hermione who'd come in.

In all honesty, he'd wanted it to be just him and Draco when Draco woke up, but then again, he didn't know exactly when that would be. His two best friends' company was the only thing that would sooth him of his worries right now.

"Harry," Hermione said as they drew near. She sat down on the other side of Draco's sleeping form, looking from him to Harry with a look that told him she knew. A kind look that said, "He's going to be alright, don't worry." and not, "I hate you and despise you with everything in my entire body."

They sat in silence for what felt like ten more hours, no one daring to say anything until Draco opened his eyes. 

And that time finally came at noon. At exactly 12:06, Draco opened his stoney grey eyes that Harry had fallen so deeply in love with.

He mumbled something as his eyes opened, and Harry's face lit up. "Mmph.. Harry?"

A grin ignited on Harry's face, and his green eyes sparkled in a way that made Draco want to kiss him right in that moment. 

"Can I just... kiss you right now?"

"Thought you'd never ask." Draco wrapped an arm around Harry's neck, and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.

"Uhh guys? Mind getting a room?" Ron said awkwardly, but you could hear the wide grin through his voice. Hermione laughed and dragged him out of the room.

The two finally parted, blushing like a couple of cherries. 

"Took you long enough." Harry said as Draco sat up in bed. 

"Just shut up and kiss me." And he did. He wrapped his arms around Draco's body, pulling him in close as if he were going to slip away at any moment. But Draco wasn't going to. He couldn't, not when he was lip-locked with the boy he'd realized he was in love with.


Blaise launched himself at Draco as soon as he'd entered the dungeons. Draco embraced his best friend with the urge to punch him in the face.

"Where were you?" He demanded, keeping up his normal, Draco Malfoy act as they let go. 

"Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let any of us in," Blaise panted, as if he were still exhausted from trying to break down to door into the Hospital Wing. "Glad you're alive." He said, and he sounded genuine.

"Thanks," Draco wondered around the common room. It was Saturday, so most of their housemates were out at Hogsmeade and whatnot. He flopped onto the sofa, laying his full body across it.

"So," Blaise started, falling into the armchair beside Draco.

"So," Draco raised an eyebrow though both his eyes were closed.

"No Death Eaters."

"Nope." Draco couldn't help but smile as he remembered the kiss he and Harry had shared just half an hour ago. He'd wanted more, wanted to kiss him longer, but they both had to get back to their houses.

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