2- Unforgivable Curses

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The next morning, Draco woke up in his queen-sized bed in his Slytherin bedroom. Although tired and groggy, he dragged himself out of bed and walked to the mirror, his grey eyes glued to his annoyingly messy bed hair that was far from it's normal neat, gelled look.

His first class of the day was Defense Against the Dark Arts- which unfortunately meant he and the Slytherins had to start off their day with bloody Potter and the Gryffindorks. Ugh. As if I need any more of him. 

The class of Slytherins and Gryffindors filled into the classroom and took their seats. Draco glanced over at Potter; the raven haired boy had been eyeing him weirdly and quickly looked down at his hands, his cheeks going the slightest tint of pink.

Draco just frowned when everyone shot their heads toward the door at the back of the room, which Alastor Moody had just slammed shut, and began walking past the rows of desks toward the front of the room.

"Alastor Moody." He introduced in a gruff voice, glancing in every student's direction with that creepy looking eye of his as he began writing on the chalk board in messy, scribbled handwriting. "Ex-Auror, Ministry malcontent, and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Any questions? Don't answer that."

The class stayed silent, then Moody continued, "Now, can anyone tell me how many Unforgivable curses there are?"

"Three sir." Draco just rolled his eyes at the little miss know-it-all Granger. 

"And they are so named?" 

"Because they are unforgivable." 
Because they are unforgivable. Draco silently mouthed her words to the T as she said them, having to restrain from scoffing when he knew exactly what she would say. Granger, it's clear you're reciting the exact words from a library book. Stop embarrassing yourself already before you make my eyes hurt from rolling them too much.

"The use of any one of them will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban. Correct." Moody looked back at the class, earning a loud gulp come from Longbottom. "Now the Ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do - I say different!" His voice rose excitedly. "You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared- you need to find another place to put your gum other than the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnigan!"

All heads shot towards where Seamus Finnigan had clearly been trying to sneak some pink sticky substance under his desk, and the boy's face went the same shade of pink as his chewed gum.

Moody ignored the distracted class, and drew everyone's attention back to him. "So, which curse shall we see first?" Draco sunk back into his seat. He felt both Moody's real eye and  magical eye staring daggers at his bowed head, and brought his silver bangs down to cover his half-closed eyes.

It felt like the weight of a hippogriff had just been taken off the blonde boy's shoulders when he heard Moody yell, "Weasley!"

"Yes?" The ginger haired boy answered nervously.

"Stand up." Moody ordered, and Weasley stood, unable to look the professor in the eye. "Give us a curse."

"Well... my dad did tell me about one; the Imperius Curse."

"Oh yeah... your father would know all about that. Gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why." He turned back around his desk, and pulled out from a jar an enormous Amblypygid spider, and just spoke muttered adoring words to it like Hagrid would talk to a three-headed, children-eating dog. 

"Imperio!" The spider in his hand crouched, bent and twisted it's limbs in unnatural ways, looking as though it were being suffocated, and with the movements of Moody's wand, flew through the air and landed right on a Gryffindor's desk. Dean Thomas eyed it frightingly before the insect pounced onto Crabbe's face behind the table in the next row, earning a horrified yell from the plump Slytherin.

"Don't worry! He's completely harmless!" But everyone ignored Moody's so-called 'words of enthusiasm' as he cackled loudly, making the bug jump from Crabbe's head to one of the Patil twins' wrist, climbing all the way up from her wrist to her shoulder.

Draco from behind her made the mistake of laughing loudly, resulting in Moody scolding him and having the bug leap right onto his frightened face, the class erupting into laughter. The boy yelled in frightened protest, as Goyle beside him managed to whack the spider off his face, causing the bug to fall back into Moody's invisible, firm grasp.

"What shall I have 'er do next? Jump out the window?" The laughter quickly was silenced when Moody aimed the spider at the window. "Drown herself?" He reangled the spider, and fought against it's protests as it resisted getting plunged into a bucket of rainwater from the leaking roof. Eventually, Moody brought the spider back to his rough palm, and relieved the insect of the curse. "You know, scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did you-know-who's bidding under the influence of the Imperius Curse."

Draco sunk back in his seat once again at those words, allowing his hair to fall back in his face again. "But here's the rub," Moody continued, shifting his gaze to a few Gryffindors, then to Longbottom. "how do we sort out the liars?" Although he could no longer feel the man's glare on him, Draco still looked down, not wanting to be apart of the dicussion.

"Now, give us another." 

The entire lesson felt like a decade for Draco, and every time he tried looking away to appear lost in thought, he always found himself staring at a certain raven-haired Gryffindor boy.

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