9- Harry's wingman

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Later that night, Harry dragged Ron into the boys' bathroom (or, at least they thought it was for boys - the gender sign had been scratched off ages ago so it was used by anyone nowadays), which Ron happily agreed to as it got him out of being lectured by Hermione why it was always best to do the homework straight away instead of procrastinating like always.

"So, what'd you want to talk about?" Ron leant back against the sink beside Harry. They were the only ones there.

Harry took a deep breath. "Well, it's about Malfoy." Ron nodded for him to continue. "I-" -He sighed- "Have you ever tried to look past the way he is around us?"

Ron raised an eyebrow. 

"What I'm trying to say is... " God, Harry thought, this went so much more easily in my head. "I-" Just blurt it out, for goodness' sake! "I think I have feelings for Malfoy."

Ron looked as though Harry had just asked him to the ball. "You- what? Sorry, I think I heard you wrong mate. I thought you said-"

"That I have feelings for Malfoy. Yeah." Harry shrugged his shoulders, and he rested a hand on the edge of the sink, his emerald green eyes not leaving Ron's blue ones as he mentally begged for a response.

Ron gaped liked a goldfish, with red hair and all. His face was frozen in shock, and he leant back against the sink again, next to Harry. "Harry, are you sure? I mean out of all people... " His voice was soft, and curious, not angry or judgemental.

"Yes." Harry said, lifting his head from looking at the bathroom floor as he came to met Ron's eyes. "And I dunno how or when it happened. I just sorta... started seeing him differently."

Ron nodded in the slightest, but Harry didn't notice as he was staring at his own reflection in the mirror next to them. "So, that explains why you're so worried about the git being in the tournament?"

"I guess so." Harry smiled.

"Well I'm glad you told me." Said Ron after a second, a small smile coming across his lips. "Just promise me you'll be careful."

Harry nodded back, a wide smile forming in his lips. In that moment, a voice echoed through the hall into the bathroom, followed by the sounds of two pairs of footsteps.

"Please Alicia, just cover for me for about an hour."


The two Gryffindors ducked into a toilet stall, closing the door just in time to hear the door of the bathroom swing closed.

"I don't know, Draco, I-" They recognized Alicia Roberts' voice outside the cubicle.

"Please, Crabbe and Goyle are terrible liars, and Pansy and Blaise have been too busy finding dates to the ball. You're perfect." Harry didn't need to peek through the small crack in the door to know Draco was putting a comforting hand on Alicia's shoulder, and his heart plummeted.


"Please? I don't want to force you but... " Draco trailed off, trying to think of how he could get her to say yes. "I'll pay you."

Alicia crossed her arms and smirked. "How much?" 

Draco smirked at his already working plan of bribery, crossing his arms over his chest proudly. "20 galleons - OW!"

Alicia punched him in the arm, earning a cute whimper from Draco that Harry had to stiffle his chuckle at. "You're so rich yet you spend most of your money on bets and paying people to do stupid things around school for you."

Draco rolled his eyes. For a slightly short, skinny girl, Alicia definately packed a good punch. That's gonna hurt in the morning. He rubbed his shoulderblade, and turned swiftly on his heel in time to see the door of one of the cubicles close quickly. 

"I'll give you the 20 galleons if you help cover for me."

"Right. What's it about?"

"The clue for the next task." Draco didn't bother telling her about his hint on the egg being opened underwater, and decided he'd tell her later when she asked. 

Alicia grinned as they slowly begun walking out. "So, you're in this position because Potter was going to be, but you took his place."

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? Everyone knows that-"

"And everyone wants to know the reason why. Why help your rival?" In all honesty, Draco knew perfectly well that everyone would still be wondering that, even though it'd been a month since his name was selected from the goblet. He himself never actually knew the reason for his self-sacrifice, unless... 

"Well, it might be because... "

Harry slowly opened the door of the cubicle and silently followed them toward the door, leaving Ron in a slowly growing distance behind him.

"Alicia," Draco turned to look at her. "I think I like Potter."

Harry's heart skipped a beat. He could've done a summersault all the way back to the other side of the bathroom, but refrained from doing so. He couldn't help the smile that slowly spread across his lips with each second.

"You- what?" Alicia asked, being sure she heard him right.

"Yeah... " Draco scratched the back of his neck nervously.

Unexpectedly, a grin suddenly flashed across the blonde girl's face. "I knew it!"

"You- what?" They stopped walking, and Ron appriached Harry behind them, exchanging expressions.

"I may or may not've bet Idina in first year that you'd end up liking boys."

Draco was speechless. Alicia had predicted since the start that he liked guys? "But you can't tell Idina it's Potter." He said finally, not realizing Harry and Ron were still listening to every word they spoke. 

"Promise!" Alicia gave him a warm smile and skipped cheerfully out of the bathroom, leaving Draco smiling, standing in what he thought was an empty room. 

Ron whispered under his breath into Harry's ear, "I think I'll leave you two." He smiled at his best friend, and left quietly through the other exit door, leaving Harry standing with cheeks redder than his Gryffindor tie. 

He cleared his throat. "Hi."

Draco frightingly turned around, and his eyes widened when seeing Harry standing there. "Potter?" He quickly cleared his throat when his voice came out sounding indifferent. "H-how much of that did you hear?"

The corners of Harry lips slightly curved up into a small smile. "I've been in here since before you came."

Draco's naturally pale face flushed red in embarrassment, as Harry begun walking over to the other boy, taking his time patiently. God, he's so cute when he blushes. 

Draco clearly couldn't form words in his stuttering mouth, and Harry didn't expect him to. He was now a meter away from Draco. "Never would've guessed..."

"Guessed what?"

Harry smiled slightly. "That I would ever catch feelings for you."

Draco's breath got hitched in his throat when he let out a gasp. "Really?"

Harry nodded, smiling widely, his cheeks going the same colour as Draco's who finally was able to smile back at him.

The two stood in silence for Merlin knows how long, until Draco cleared his throat. "Look, I uh- gotta go figure out that egg. Guess I'll see you later?" He gestured to the door behind him.

Harry blinked a few times, stunned into what nearly felt like dissappointment. "Uh- yeah, sure." 

Draco grinned happily and walked out, but not before leaning down and giving Harry a kiss on his cheek, leaving the boy blushing wildly.

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