Mother and Son bonding

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Luna woke up that morning, felling a pair of arms still wrapped around her. Luna smiled and began to shake him gently. Lincoln buddy, wake up, Luna said. Lincoln groaned as he opened his eyes. mom, what time is it? Lincoln asked its time to get up buddy. Now come on, Luna said I thought we were going to stay home for a few days. Lincoln asked oh we still are, but am I not allowed to spend the day with my son Luna said Lincoln smiled and hugged her. Luna smiled and said alright let's get something for breakfast and find something we can do for the day Luna said as they both went downstairs, finding the house empty, Luna remembered oh ya that's right everyone else still has work and school Luna said

A few hours later

Luna and Lincoln are walking through Royal Woods Mall, so anything you're looking for in specific kiddo Luna asked no, not really. Lincoln responded ok then, let's see if their anything that will catch your eye oh hey their's the store where I got you those comics wanna see what else they got, Luna asked sure why not Lincoln responded as the two entered the store so see anything you like buddy Luna asked not yet Lincoln responded after sometime Luna and Lincoln leave the store couldn't find something you liked Luna asked not really no Lincoln responded oh mom look Lincoln said as he pointed to the video game store oh sorry buddy but I don't think I have the money for anything in their Luna said oh ok Lincoln responded come on buddy I think we should just head back home Luna said Lincoln nodded as he followed her out of the mall

The Loud House

Luna pulled into the driveway just behind the family van Luna, and Lincoln both got out of the car and went inside to see everyone doing their own thing come on kiddo let's head up to our room Luna said as they made their way up to their room Luna and Lincoln entered their room Lincoln sat on the bed with Luna sitting next to him so buddy what do you wanna do now Luna asked I'm not really sure Lincoln responded just wanna go downstairs and see what's on TV Luna asked sure why not it's not like we got anything better to do Lincoln responded Luna and Lincoln then went back downstairs and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV

The Next Day

Luna woke up to see her son already out of bed he might be downstairs, already Luna said as she got out of bed and went downstairs to see her son on the couch watching videos on his phone Luna went over to him what you watching kiddo Luna asked some of your old music videos Lincoln responded why did you stop you we're good Lincoln asked well I stopped after I got pregnant with you and you became my number one priority Luna said wrapping an arm around him Lincoln smiled and leaned into her side Luna smiled and kissed his forehead Lincoln cuddled into her as the both of them watched Luna's old music videos

A few hours later

Luna and Lincoln were leaving the store and loading the groceries into Luna's car. we got everything grampa asked us to get right. Yes, it's all here, kiddo. Now, let's get back home. Luna said as she and Lincoln got into the car. Luna left the parking lot and was pulling out onto the main street when Lincoln suddenly shouted MOM LOOK OUT. Luna turned to see a truck heading for them. Luna knew she wouldn't have enough time to get out of the way, so instead, she turned to her son and shielded him as the truck hit Luna's car and the car was sent into the ditch Luna held her son tightly as the car stopped but was now upside down in the ditch Lincoln sweetie are you okay Luna asked ya I think so mom Lincoln responded ok good let get out of here Luna said as she inbuckled her and her son's seat belts they both fell to the roof of the car Luna then began to kick the driver's side window and after a few kicks the window shattered Luna crawled out of the car before helping her son out of the car come here baby it's ok I got you mama's here Lincoln went into his mother's arms once she was able to get him out Lincoln clung to his mom as he let tears fall mom I but Lincoln was cut of mid sentence by his mom I know baby I know it was scary for you and it's ok now I'm here your safe sweetie Luna said Lincoln cuddled into his mother's arms are you hurt at all any cuts any bleeding Luna asked no I don't think so Lincoln said come on sweetie we should get you to the hospital make sure your alright Luna said ok Lincoln responded as Luna picked him up and walked out of the ditch suddenly the family van pulled up the door opened to reveal the hole family inside what are you guys doing here Luna asked we hurd about what happened and we got here as fast as we could Rita said ok then let's go and make sure you two are alright Lynn SR Luna got into the car placing her son next to her as they drove off to the hospital to make sure Lincoln and Luna were alright

End of Chapter 11

That's it for chapter 11. Tell me what you think in the comments, and give a few ideas. Chapter 12 should be up soon

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