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this chapter was an excuse to write a break up scene hooray! comment for motivation

"I'm so sorry," Y/n apologized over and over again, "please don't tell me I didn't vomit on you, or anything like that. I'll grovel on my knees. Nadia told me I always embarrass myself when I'm drunk—"

"Then she's a liar. I found you adorable."

Was Aruna viewing him through rose tinted glasses or something? Which part of him being drunk was adorable?

"Are you hungover?" Y/n asked suspiciously.


"Huh. Weird." Y/n leaned on the massive tail that curled around him. Him cuddling a naga, could you even think of that? It was way better than whatever human spooning people did. Aruna's tail was long enough to wrap a couple of times around Y/n, and while some argued that perhaps it was suffocating, Y/n begged to differ. It was so awfully nice, soothingly cold, and also gave Y/n a reason to shift himself in a position where he could indirectly feel the rock-hard abs Aruna had. Plus, a bonus—the sight tickle he felt when Aruna's long, black hair fell over in small strands. To put it simply: it was comfortable. Very comfortable.

"You got upset when I said I had a partner." Aruna said, amused. "I was right. You are mortified."

"And who wouldn't be?" Y/n yelped, "this was horrible! I embarrassed myself so fucking much," He said miserably, "you probably won't been want to kiss me anymore."

"Oh, that's very untrue." Aruna raised an eyebrow, "it's more of a matter of restraint." He placed a chaste kiss onto Y/n's cheek, and it made the (h/c)-haired man relax. Though the way the word restraint as said was...cough, cough.

Little moments like this Y/n cherished, and he closed his eyes. Y/n couldn't help but think sometimes: the what-ifs. Obviously, their relationship was stable and Y/n couldn't—he couldn't bear to think about Aruna ever being with someone else, but truthfully, didn't the whole matching with multiple people affect him, too? And if Aruna did—if he did match with someone would Y/n react? Would he be as unselfish as Aruna to let him go?

If the worse case scenario did happen.. Y/n could think about how it would all play out. The smile reserved for him, even those steamy kisses...for someone else—ugh. It sucked to even think of it. Now this sent his fanfiction brain whirling. The tags he would use would include angst, for sure.

Y/n would have memorized the details with an ache in his heart; down to the smooth texture of Aruna's magnificent black hair, the way his eyes painfully softened when he looked at whoever the person was; and down to the way they both looked so happy; smiles plastered on their faces as they stared at the camera. Though, for Aruna, it was more of a straight line with the ends just slightly curved up. Y/n wouldn't be able to stop staring—the affection he had would nearly burst out of his being; yet the pain that accompanied it was turbulent. Y/n could imagine that days after seeing that post he would wallow in pity; which would bring him to being stuck in his little apartment for days—editing Nadia's novel.

Isn't that what had happened with my first love? It was mild, but...Y/n thought wistfully. That had been the event that had solidified Nadia's friendship with him.



"If I were him," Nadia scoffed, "I wouldn't talk to you either. But he..well—fuck it—he's in denial, Y/n. Are you utterly blind?"

"In denial four months ago," Y/n corrected, "four months is a long time."

"Well!" Nadia let out an anguished sound— "Not an offer anymore. I'll force you, if that's the last thing."

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