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this is for u horny bottoms - smut warning ;)


"Hi sweetness, how would you feel about coming over?" Renee's voice chirped through the phone, a shiver slipped down Amelia's back at the soft sound. "I am headed back on tour tomorrow and I want to see you before I go."

It had been a mere three days since the lunch and they had been texting each other non-stop since but the blonde had become infatuated with the younger girl and she was hoping Amelia would say yes because she had bought snacks and sushi, which she had learned was Amelia's favourite.

"I would love to." Amelia replied with a wide smile that Lucy mocked from the other side of the sofa.

"Okay perfect, I'll send you my address!" She couldn't hide her excitement when her voice raised an octave.

Amelia got ready as fast as she could, throwing on some baggy jeans and an oversized jersey, excited to see Renee's house for the first time. Lucy drove her over and on the way, they stopped to get coffees, picking one up for Renee too.

"Sooo," Lucy dragged out, eyes on the road as they pulled out of the drive-thru. "How are you feeling about being alone with her?"

"I am shitting it, Luce." Amelia blurted out as if she'd been dying to talk about it. "What if it's like really awkward and there's like no chat and she ends up hating me and wanting me to leave!"

"Shit girl breathe!" Lucy reached over and put her hand on the younger girl's shoulder, encouraging her to take a deep breath, she did. "She likes you, I saw the way she was looking at you that day, try not to stress too much, my love."

"Okay," She blushed, thinking about the blonde, she had felt the looks that day but was too nervous to look back, "You're right, once again. Everything is going to be okay."

After another ten minutes of blasting Kim Petras, they had arrived at their destination, as announced by the car's GPS. The house was surrounded by a brick wall that met with a large paneled gate in the middle, Lucy pressed the buzzer and was let through immediately, she looked over raising her eyebrows at Amelia. At the top of the driveway sat a large townhouse, the front was lined with neatly trimmed bushes and foliage. It had a sleek, modern front door and accompanying windows, both girls were staring up in awe as the stones crunched under the tires. Lucy pulled the handbrake and put her fingers under Amelia's chin, closing her mouth that had fallen open.

"Go have fun," Lucy gave her a small push and a wink as her friend got out of the car, taking her bag with the snacks and her phone, wallet and keys in and the two coffees, "Please get railed!"

Amelia rolled her eyes and tried to ignore the blush she felt rising as she shut the car door, she gave Lucy the finger through the window before mouthing 'Drive safe, I love you' and blowing a kiss.


Amelia's pov

When the gate closed after Luce left I spun on my feet and walked up to the door and before I could ring the bell, the beautiful blonde swung the door open, and smiled charmingly at me.

"Hi gorgeous, come in." She gestured into the house so I walked in and it was somehow even more alluring on the inside, with high ceilings and detailed artwork on the walls depicting different women doing mundane tasks but naked. Things felt very Renee. Different plants in pretty decorated pots were scattered throughout the hallway and up the stairs. "You like it?"

"It's amazing Renee," I spoke through a smile I couldn't get rid of, "I brought you a coffee!"

"Oh thank you, baby," She leaned in and kissed my cheek, "Come through to the kitchen, this way."

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