What Friends Do (Yoon San Ha x Reader)

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The sun was bright and birds were chirping as you stepped out of your house, your bag casually thrown over your shoulder. After a long and cold winter, you had welcomed the spring like never before. It was easier to get out of bed in the mornings now.

But that certainly wasn't the only reason.

As you gaze across your porch, the tall figure of your childhood best friend Sanha blocks the enormous rays of the sun. And as he lifted his gaze from the phone and spotted you, with slight surprise in his eyes, he broke into a smile and waved his arm above his head.

Sanha and you had met in elementary school and quickly learned that you lived hardly a block apart. After moving away and leaving your first real friends behind, you had become a far more quiet and shy child. While Sanha had just been so happy to have a friend that lived close to him now- and ever since then, the boy had hardly left you alone. Accompanying you on your walk home, insisting on making sure you got home safely before he'd walk the last block to his own house alone.

Your friendship had festered into a deep bond of mutual respect and affection. He was your best friend and the two of you were inseparable.

"Y/N! You're early today?" Sanha said in an almost mocking tone if you didn't know better- he was happy to see you. The two week break had just ended and he had only returned yesterday from holidays with his parents.

You had missed him too- Though, you had been kept busy. "How was Spain?" You asked him as you two began to walk to school next to each other, Sanha on your right as always. He didn't like when you walked close to the road when walking on the side walk.

"It was fun!" The boy began before blurting into a ramble about what they had done there, and the food, and how he wished you could have come along. Which you usually did but this time, you had been busy.

Busy with a boy.

Sanha had been upset and yet not really in any position to protest. You were the type to meet new guys and go on dates while Sanha had never once, in all of the 14 years of knowing him, dated anyone. It was strange to you. His infatuation of sticking to your side and ignoring all of the female attention he received- or perhaps he didn't notice at all.

You were lost in thoughts and honestly did not listen to Sanha anymore. Sanha that kept rambling about his holidays. Sanha that had grown so tall and made you look short and petite in comparison. Sanha that could have any girl on campus but didn't date.

"How was it for you? With.. Jaehyun?" Sanha asked; his gaze on you. His smile looked strange and you blamed it on the fact that he had probably noticed that you had not listened to a single word he had said.

You kept the details away. Said that you and Jaehyun had studied together a lot, that he had been at your place a few times even. Sanha was uncharacteristically quiet but you didn't get to ask him for by the time you were finished, the two of you had reached campus. He had different classes from you.

"See you later, Y/N." Sanha said with a signature ruffle of your hair, a mocking of how short you were, and youtwo walked into different directions.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

Two weeks later you and Sanha were together at your place, studying maths. Honestly, you both sucked at the subject but it had become something like tradition to study together no matter the subject.

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