Pierce your heart (Park Min Hyuk/Rocky X Moon Bin)

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AN: Small disclaimer that I will only write little, silly and domestic things around Moonbin for my own comfort and my love for him so please no weird requests for him^^


When the sun shone through the curtains, Minhyuk already had a feeling in his gut that he had slept too much. Yet it didn't register in his sleep hazed brain until he checked the clock on his phone. Fuck. He should've been out of the house since long minutes!

Minhyuk jumped up and dressed in a hoodie and jeans, brushing his teeth while he did so. There was no time, and he had promised Bin to be at school .

He practically ran there, not even having brushed his hair. Bin visibly perked up when he saw Minhyuk enter (Did he smile? Minhyuk couldn't tell) and Minhyuk, with an apologetic bow to the teacher, settled down in the only available seat next to a girl he had hardly ever spoken to.

Class was almost over by the time he finally felt like had even arrived at school. Mentally.

Minhyuk glanced over at Bin, who was hunched over his desk, scribbling furiously in his notebook. The classroom buzzed with the usual end-of-day chatter, but all Minhyuk could focus on was the way Bin's hair fell over his eyes, obscuring them from view. He wondered what Bin was writing about so intensely.

It was probably not school related, if Minhyuk really had to guess.


The sudden call of his name jolted him out of his thoughts. He turned to see his friend Sanha waving him over. With a reluctant sigh, Minhyuk grabbed his backpack and made his way across the room.

"Hyung," Sanha said, "you coming to the game tonight?"

Right. The soccer game of Bin and Dongmin.

He didn't want to go. Bin and Dongmin had been awfully close lately- Minhyuk didn't consider himself jealous. He's been friends with them for as long as he could remember, yet sometimes he felt like he had a fear of missing out.

When they talked it seemed like there was an invisible wall between them, shutting Minhyuk out. Often they talked and stopped when he approached, with a gaze to each other that said 'I'll tell you later then.'

There were so many topics he had no idea how to talk about them with, for he had no interest in them. Maybe that's why Bin probably liked Dongmin better-

Right. The game.

Minhyuk nodded absently, his gaze drifting back to Bin. "Yeah, I guess."

Sanha followed Minhyuk's line of sight and smirked. "Still got it bad for him, huh?"

Minhyuk flushed. "Shut up," he muttered, shoving Sanha lightly.

His crush on Bin wasn't a huge secret. Well, to anyone but that idiot himself.

The final bell rang, and students began to rush out of the classroom. Minhyuk lingered near the door, waiting for Bin to pack up. When Bin finally stood up, Minhyuk fell into step beside him.

"Hey, Bin," he said, trying to sound casual. Did he stutter, tremble, admire him too much-? He'd pretend to be blissfully unaware of that.

Bin looked down at him, a small smile playing on his lips. "Hey, Minhyuk. You coming to the game tonight?"

"Yeah, about that," Minhyuk began, feeling a sudden surge of boldness. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out before? Maybe at your place?"

Bin's eyes lit up. "Sure, that sounds great! My parents are at work anyways. It's just us and Sua."

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