Bitten Chapter 1

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Kagome yawned and sat up, Rubbing her eyes she stared at her alarm clock on the desk next to her."Finally! Saturday, time to get going!" She Jumped out of her bed and got changed before running down the stairs.'I'll make a special lunch for everyone before i leave!'"Ey! Kagome! Where have you been!" Kagome sighed as Inuyasha yelled at her from the kitchen. "Inuyasha what are you doing here?" Inuyasha stood up from where he was "playing" with Buyo and walked towards her. "I came to get you! Duh!" Kagome sighed and shook her head. "I told you i would be back at lunch! Not breakfast!" Inuyasha shrugged. "Oh well, I'm here now so lets go!" Kagome shook her head. "I'm staying for breakfast and then I'm making lunch for everyone! Unless you want to starve!" Inuyasha sighed "Fine. But the second you are done making lunch we are going back threw the well!" Kagome nodded "Okay....okay!" she walked into the kitchen. "Oh! Kagome your up! Will you be staying for breakfast?" Kagome's mom said from where she was making bacon and eggs. "Yes, and then I'm going to make a lunch for everyone!" Kagome's mom smiled. "Oh honey no need! i made a ton of food you can take with you." Kagome smiled and hugged her mom. "Thanks mom, that's a huge help!" Kagome's mom smiled " Oh it was nothing, Inuyasha will you stay for breakfast? we are having bacon! " Inuyasha looked slightly confused. "whats...bay-kon?" Kagome giggled. "Its made from pigs! You'll love it, being part dog and all." Inuyasha growled. "I Ain't a dog okay!" Kagome smiled. "Okay, okay i get it!" Kagome walked over to Inuyasha and pushed him into a chair before sitting down beside him to eat.Inuyasha jumped from the well with Kagome on his back and placed her down just outside the well."Kaede told us that some villagers were talking about a giant demon, she thinks it might have a shard, so we gotta go check it out." 'Hmph is that all he thinks about? Finding that damn jewel?'Kagome winced as a searing pain burned in her ankle "Kagome? Whats wrong?" 'I-I can't move!'Inuyasha dashed back over to Kagome and supported her "Kagome! What happened!" Kagome tried to answer him but it only caused more pain. "ankle..." was all she managed to say. Inuyasha's eyes shot to her ankle, he gasped when he saw what was there, A huge bug, the biggest he had ever seen was currently sitting there, sucking her blood by the looks of it. Inuyasha brought his claws down on it, killing it and flicking it away."Kagome? Are you okay now?" Inuyasha looked at her hopefully. "I-I think so...." she stood up and smiled at him before blacking out and falling to the ground.


Inuyasha sat next to Kagome who was laying in Kaede's hut. 'If anything happens to her....I'll never forgive myself!'He put his hand on kagome's forehead 'Such a high fever......'Kaede walked in "Inuyasha, i have identified the bug you brought me, it is indeed a demon bug, but it is in no way harmful, other then when it is drinking your blood, but it never takes enough to kill ye." Inuyasha let out his breath . "So....she is going to be okay?" Kaede frowned. "More or less..." "What the hell does that mean!" Kaede sat down next to the fire pit and sighed. "Well, that Youkai bug is a blood switcher, it sucks blood from one being and then injects it in another's body, to make the blood stronger, unfortunately you knocked it away before it could drink the blood from kagome's system, all we can do now is hope it didn't inject anything, though i have asked Miroku to see if it had any other blood in it other then it's blood and Kagome's." Inuyasha looked slightly confused. "So what if someone else blood gets injected into her? Big deal, She'll live." Secretly Inuyasha knew what Kaede was pushing at, he just wished it wasn't true. 'Please don't let that be what will happen.'Kaede sighed. "Inuyasha, Kagome will become a Hanyou." Inuyasha frowned. ' wont happen....i won't let her go threw the pain and suffering i did.'"There has to be a way to stop it from happening!" Kaede shook her head. "Myoga would be the only one, but the blood would have spread to far already. You must be calm Inuyasha, there may not even be youkai blood in her right now." Miroku chose that moment to walk in. "Kaede, I looked at the bug you gave me, there was multiple youkai bloods in it, and a humans. Was there any reason you wanted me to check it?" Inuyasha looked at the monk horror spreading across his face. He jumped up and grabbed the bug smelling it. "Neko-youkai......" He looked over at Kagome and back at Kaede and Miroku before dropping the bug and running from the hut."Kaede what happened?" Kaede picked the bug up and threw it in the fire. "That bug injected Neko-youkai blood into Kagome." Miroku was as puzzled as Inuyasha was at first. "So? Whats the problem?" Kaede turned back at Kagome. "She will become a neko-hanyou. Her ears are already gone." Kaede pointed to where her ears were and then to the two furry lumps growing on her head. Miroku frowned. "Why is Inuyasha so worried?" Kaede turned back to Miroku. "I think he is worried that Kagome will be mad at him for what happened." Miroku nodded. "Or maybe....he is worried what happened to him as a kid might happen to her, he is most likely mad at him self for letting this happen...." Kaede nodded. "Yes, I never thought about that, Inuyasha knows that Kagome will most likely not be mad at him for this, that is why he is being so hard on him self......" Miroku nodded."Come child let us leave her to rest, she will most likely want privacy when she wakes." Kaede stood up, grabbed Miroku and dragged him from the hut.______________________________________________________________________________ Japanese Inuyasha translations for those people who haven't figured them out yet :3

 Hanyou = Half demon

Neko = Cat Kirara is a neko youkai

Youkai = Demon

Bitten- A Inuyasha X Kagome FanficWhere stories live. Discover now