Bitten Chapter 5

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Kagome woke, her head pounding."Where am I ..." She groaned. Looking around finally realizing where she was she shot up. "Inuyasha?" She sniffed the air, smelling latex chemicals and finally picking up Inuyasha scent. Looking threw the bars of her cage she spotted him, in the far corner of the room, strapped to a doctors table, surrounded by men who she figured were doctors but didn't quite know. Finally realizing what they were doing she panicked. 'There gonna dissect him!' Looking around her cage for anything she could use. 'Oh wait i'm a miko, duh!' Scooting over to the side of her cage she summoned her powers and melted the lock away. She looked back over to Inuyasha Realizing he was half awake 'He must be terrified, he would never admit it though.' Before climbing out of the cage she took out her dagger, Being a cat youkai, she was able to sneak over to the table, Inuyasha half staring at her half staring at the doctors the whole time. When she was about 3 feet from the nearest doctor she blurted out "Nice weather we are having..." One of the doctors answered back yes before gasping and turning around to get a punch in the face, knocking him out cold, Kagome easily took out the other 4 doctors before turning and melting the restraints holding Inuyasha down. "Kagome....leave me and run." He mumbled obviously still weak from the tranquilizer. Kagome shook her head. "I'm not leaving you here to be dissected by these people." She said as she melted the last restraint and helping Inuyasha up. "Di what?" Inuyasha responded as he leaned against Kagome and they hurried towards the exit. "They were gonna cut you open and take your insides out, without even putting you to sleep." She shook her head holding back tears thinking of watching all of that happen and not being able to do anything as Inuyasha screamed in agony. "Keh I'd knock em out before they could even make a scratch." Kagome kicked the door down and light poured in. "Someones coming Kagome quick leave me just run! Save yourself!" Kagome ignored him "Get on my back Inuyasha." "Wha- you cant carry me wench." "I'm hanyou now! i can at least get us away from here!" She lifted Inuyasha on to her back, surprised by how easy it was to carry him, she took off running, looking back to see men following shooting real bullets this time, She let out a loud whistle. "Wench! What the hell was that for!" She had forgotten about Inuyasha's ears, as hers were ringing as well. "Sorry! I was calling Taka!" Inuyasha looked confused for a second. "The bird?" Kagome nodded as she kept running, not knowing exactly where she was running to. About 10 minutes of running later and it happened, Kagome tripped, her head smashing off the ground, knocking her out, Inuyasha had tumbled forward, but managed to stand on his still wobbly legs and move in front of her as the bullets came towards him, He closed his eyes waiting for the pain that never came. Confused, he opened his eyes to see a giant bird in front of him. 'Thank the gods! That bird really was useful!' Leaning over, he picked up Kagome and placed her on the birds back before climbing on himself and pulling Kagome into his arms to shield her  In case any bullets came close. And with that Taka Took off. Inuyasha, Unable to hold on to consciousness, blacked out.


 Taka had successfully returned to the shrine, though he knew that Kagome and Inuyasha were badly injured, He had layed them down and had pushed them to lay next to each other in the top of the driveway before sitting down and transforming, though still looking for danger. Kagome's family chose that moment to return, alerting Taka, who protectively stood up, but didn't transform as he could smell the lingering scent of Kagome on the people who emerged from the car. Kagome's mom was the first to notice. "Oh my god! Dad! Go get the first aid kit!" Kagome's mom rushed towards the two laying on the ground, only to back up when Taka, Deciding she was close enough, transformed. Taka spread out his fire covered wings, blocking anyway for her to get past. Souta came running up. "Mom! You gotta get them away from the bird! We learned in school that some birds of prey do that to keep other predators from stealing their prey!" Gramps(1) came running over sutras and first aid kit in hand. He practically threw the first aid kit at Souta before running in front of Kagome's mom and throwing a sutra at Taka, who in turn went cross eyed to look at the strange paper on his beak, before sneezing, causing it to burst into flames. Inuyasha let out a groan, signifying he was alive. Taka glared at the three before turning around and walking towards Inuyasha. "Mama! It's going to eat him!" Mama(2) Took a step towards them, only to be blown back as Taka turned and flapped his wings and then turned around to continue up to Inuyasha's head and to everyone's surprise nuzzled his cheek. "Taka....." Inuyasha groaned and held his hand up to stroke the birds beak before falling back into unconsciousness. Understanding what the bird was doing now Mama took a step forward and held out her hand. Taka came towards it, ducking his head down to smell it, he then in turn smelt Kagome before side stepping allowing her to pass. Mama saw the gesture and ran towards the two, the first thing she noticed was kagome's ears. "Khazana...why now?" Gramps came over and looked Kagome over. "You take care of Inuyasha, I'll bandage up Kagome." Mama knew he knew best, Inuyasha was worse off, and she knew more about medical treatment then Gramps. She turned over to Inuyasha and gave him a look over before noticing the pink feathered dart. "Oh no...." She said pulling it out and giving it a once over. "Souta!" Souta turned from where he was trying to calm down the giant bird. "Yes mama!" "Help gramps get Kagome inside now! we got to get them out of the open!" Gramps turned to her puzzled, but didn't question it as Souta came over and they hoisted her up and ran to the door. Mama turned to the bird. "Taka....that's your name right?" The bird turned to her. "We need to get Inuyasha inside....Can you carry him?" She looked at the bird with pleading eyes, hoping he would understand. The bird walked over and lay down, and Mama hoisted Inuyasha onto its back before hurrying and leading them inside. "Gramps, Souta take these three downstairs and into the earthquake bunker now!" Gramps still confused carried Kagome down into the basement and into the earthquake bunker. Souta had stayed to help Mama carry Inuyasha, Taka had transformed back and was flying behind them. Mama layed Inuyasha down next to Kagome and Taka had landed beside him. Mama the hanyous over, little pink feathered darts covered them. Gramps looked up at Mama. "Whats going on?" She in turn threw the dart to the ground in front of him. "Someone has been poaching." Mama knelt down to examine Inuyasha, seeing there were bullet wounds in his legs arms and chest area, thank the gods they hadn't hit his lungs or heart. She then examined Kagome, trying to ignore the tail and ears for the moment, she didn't have a single bullet wound on her. Mama looked back to Inuyasha. 'He took bullets for her.' Mama was trying her hardest to hold back tears before standing up. "Gramps we are going to have visitors soon, you must keep quiet. They will be killed if they find them." Gramps nodded and went back to bandaging. "Souta come on upstairs, there are going to be some men coming from the looks of it, if they ask you anything about youkai or Inuyasha or Kagome, tell them youkai are fairy tales and you do't know anything about them." Souta nodded. They walked upstairs in time to hear the knock on the door. "Souta, go watch t.v." Souta nodded and walked to the couch before turning on the t.v. to his favorite channel. Mama walked to the door, thought happy thoughts, and opened it. "Hello there ma'am sorry to bug you but have you seen any youkai around here?" Mama shook her head and did her best to look confused. "Youkai? Aren't they fake?" The man nodded. "Oh yes very fake, there were two teens dressed as some earlier around here, on was a Man with long white hair with dog ears and a red kimono, the other was a girl with black hair, cat ears, and a tail." Mama shook her head. "Maybe someone was having a costume party? I haven't seen anyone like that around here, why was there a problem?" The man nodded. "Yes, those two are extremely dangerous, if you see them call this number, but stay clear away from them." He handed her a business card before walking away. Mama shut the door and let out her breath. She gave the business card a once over before shoving it in her pocket and hurrying back to the bunker. When she got there she saw gramps had moved on to bandaging Inuyasha. Taka looked up and hummed at her and leaned down and nuzzled Inuyasha, who in turn let out a groan before slowly opening his eyes. "Taka....what happened..." His eyes widened as he remembered what happened and tried to sit up "Kagome...." he groaned, before yelping from pain and falling back over. "Inuyasha, your alright don't try to move." He looked up with puzzled eyes, forgetting who she was for a moment before closing his eyes. "Where, is Kagome..." In response Mama took her daughter's hand and placed it in Inuyasha's. Inuyasha turned to face Kagome, before having to put his head back straight as even holding his head up was a challenge. "Inuyasha what happened?" Mama said as calmly as she could. "We came back to fix Taka's wing, and to tell you about....Kagome's change.....When we went outside there were men everywhere, with strange guns, I tried to stop them, but they shot me with strange pink things and I couldn't move, then one of them grabbed Kagome, and threw us into a cage and i blacked out, when i came to i was on a table of some sort, but i was strapped down with strange white men around me, when I looked over i saw Kagome sneaking towards me, though I wish she just ran, she knocked out all the white men and melted the things holding me to the table, she told me they were going to dissect me, i don't know what it means but she told me it is extremely painful." Mama Gasped. "They where going to dissect you!? Why kind of monster would do that?" Inuyasha shook his head but continued on. "She ended up having to carry me because i couldn't stand, when we got out a ton of men started to chase us while shooting at us with guns, about 10 minutes into running Kagome tripped and bashed her head off the ground, knocking her out, I had stood up and moved in front of her to protect her from the bullets, and that's when Taka showed up, he managed to blow most of the bullets away and brought us back here here i guess." Mama nearly cried. "how many gunmen were there Inuyasha?" Inuyasha shrugged. "30 or 40 i think." Mama hugged Inuyasha "You stood in front of a firing squad for her......" "Feh." was all he said before slipping back into darkness.______________________________________________________________________________ 


 (1) I'm going just refer to him as gramps

 (2) I'm also just gonna refer to her as mama Translation

 Wench = Girl or young women, can also mean peasant girl or women servant

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