Since I had broken my leg , I stayed at home . Darshan visited me everyday and helped me do stuff , like going and getting a drink . One day , he got Anjali with him .
Me : [ whispering to Darshan ] Why is she here ?!
Darshan : Oh come on , she didn't push you down on purpose !
Me : Umm , yeah she did !
Darshan : Come on Vanshika , just let it go !
Me : I cant ! She ruined my life ! Because of that witch , I cant go to Nationals this time ! This is messed up !
Darshan : Vanshika ! Don't say that ! You've gone to many National meets and won ! Just let it go !
Me : I wont !
After that , things were not much better . Darshan hadn't forgiven me for that day . He stopped talking to me and answering my calls . I felt horrible . And Anjali made no effort of hiding her happiness .
Anjali : I told you that he would realise how dumb you were and stop being friends with you , didn't I ?
Me : [ head still down ] Leave me alone Anjali ! You were my best friend . Now you're a heartless jerk , and I wish to never see you again !
Just then , the whole class saw a familiar face .
Me and Darshini : Anurag !
We both ran and hugged him . He was 6 years older than me , but that didn't change the fact that he was one of our best friends .
Anurag : Hey !
Me : Oh My God ! I haven't seen yo in so long !
Anurag : Yeah I had college to worry about . Anyways , I heard what happened ! Why did you do that ?
Me : Long story . [ Explains it in detail ]
Anurag : Woah .
Darshini : How have you been ?
Anurag : Yeah , I am fine . Wait you broke your leg ?!
Me : You just noticed ?
Anurag : Yeah !
Me : That's a story for another time .
While the others are swimming I get a message from my phone .
Mukund : Vanshika we are kicking you out of the group .
Me : Why ?!
Kiara : Vaaruni told us what you did to her .
Me : I didn't do anything !
Ira : She said that you backstabbed her.
Me : And you actually believe her !
Kiara , Mukund and Ira : Yeah .
Me : Great !
Adhira : Vanshika , leave .
Ankita : Yeah ! Stop fussing and leave !
Me : FINE ! You will soon realise your mistake , mark my words .
I leave the group and told Anurag what happened , how Anjali hated me , Darshan wouldn't talk to me , how my friends kicked me out of my own group , and everything else . He said that he would try and talk to Darshan and tell him that I was nice . I doubted that that would make him talk to me . He seemed to hate me more than Anjali . I was starting to think I shouldn't have said what I said .