Ch 3 Meetings⚠️

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Waking up, it was still early you decided to take a few days off, so you left a message on your work answering machine, then putting your mobile on dnd. Finally fully awake you pull out of Mikey's hold, using his washroom and stealing some of his clothes, you leave his room and wander around speaking out load "This place is huge, I wonder if there is a map somewhere. It's like a treasure hunt, right?" head tilted, you listen to a noise, hesitate for a second then walk towards it, finding a kitchen and a man sat at the table.

Walking towards him "Hello, I am Y/n. Who are you?" you ask as you poke him "Sorry just checking, so hot" he looks at your blurred image I am Haitani Rindou, but call me Rindou coffee in the pot" humming "Thank you Rin, Rindou, Haitani." a pause and a head tilt "Aah Ropongi, yes, you like to break bones and your brother uses a baton, you sure. I remember your kills are messy, but interesting, very, I enjoy working on them, so much to find, Right?" you giggle

"Thanks, but I am not really awake yet" you wave him off "No worries, I know" you sit inhaling the smell and taking small sips "What are we doing today? Should I have woken him?, No you sure? Okay" Rindou just watched and listened to you, its like you got used to being with people, then kept the habit of talking to people who were no longer there, but answering as if you are still conversing with them.

Hearing feet shuffling, you both turn to the door, Sanzu and two strangers entered, no you knew who they were "Hello are you Haitani Ran and Kukucho? They are, no answer" looking at them waiting for the answer "Baton and not sure fists? I know okay, it will take a while, Jesus give me a break, I am sure he killed people, maybe just guns" humming "Morning Sanzu" he walks passed giving you a kiss to the head "Morning".

The other two just sat opposite and looked at you. Leaning forward you poked them both "Just checking, although visions usually answer questions, they do" turning to Rindou "Was I right, is that who they are, did I read the wrong info and they are deaf or mute, it wasn't intentional, Oh no sorry that wasn't on the info, did I offend them? I did huh. Apologies gentlemen" you had rambled all that.

Rindou elbowed his brother "Yes Y/n that is who they are, no they are not deaf or mute just rude. They are not morning people, so save your apology. Okay" you nod happily as Sanzu hugs you from behind, you lean into it.

Letting go he sits next to you "We need you to see a new doctor" you stare at him unblinking and you poke him and stare "No" you start to stand up, he puts his arm around your shoulders holding you on the seat "The accident the other week was because of those new meds right? And your state last night?".

Placing your head on the table "They said if I didn't take them, they would stop me working, I love my job Sanzu, I need my job, I don't want to take them, everything is fuzzy. I barely remember my name, shut up. But they will stop me working, what? Yes we can ask, no okay maybe" you turn and look into his eyes

"Sanzu, you kill them all, I will stop taking the meds and I can still work, I can enjoy cutting and exploring and not feel fuzzy. Yes?" you are holding eye contact, and tilting your head "He hasn't said yes yet? I know but if I mess up they will lock me away, I was lucky last few times, Sanzu please answer" he breaks eye contact "Fine, name and address" you giggle and hug him.

Mikey walks in and sees you hugging Sanzu, he walks up to you and pulls you away "Mine" you blink at him "You need to share Mikey, no, he must have, Are you sure? Fine cuddle buddy" you say and cuddle him. Ran leans into Rindou and whispers "Who is she actually talking to?, cause that is a whole one sided conversation" Rindou leans into his brother and answers with his theory. Ran says "Ah that actually makes alot of sense" everyone turns to look at him he just smiles.

"The doctor, who, are they nice? No I am sure they wouldn't, hehe It was one time, twice you sure? I don't remember that, no I have never used a severed head as a football, I did. Oh yeah" you say as Laughter followed that conversation.

Mikey says to you "A severed head as a football, I don't remember that?" you jerk to him "An experiment, the human head is surprisingly hard to damage, the brain is fragile, but the outer bone is great. Why did you bring that up? I forgot, yeah yeah I know baseball was better. Now shut up" falling silent you realised you spoke out loud again, you start to slide slowly towards the door, not making eye contact.

As you reached the door it opens and Kokonoi comes in and you ran into his arms, he holds you to stop you falling Mikey shouts "Don't let her go" he holds you tighter "It's a conspiracy, no one found out, why did you betray me, shut up. They are more fun when they are dead, I know the crying, screaming it gives me a headache to, it's your fault, no yours" as you were having that discussion Kokonoi had handed you over to Sanzu and Mikey was waiting for you to finish.

You sat on Sanzu's lap being held in place and Mikey was staring in to your eyes "So baseball and severed head explain, also football which lead from the doctor conversation, explain now" you look away and hit your head onto the table "I need booze for this? Don't start, fine. I may or may not of had a very bad doctor, and I was in a session with someone else, yes. Sessions are meant to be private. I seemed to accidentally, OK on purpose, talked the other person in to decapitating the doc, it was brilliant, educational, we decided Football, I don't even like football" giggles left you he clears his throat "Baseball Y/n" Mikey asks patiently "I don't like sports, you started it, brains" a cough.

"Fuck fine, women are noisey, if you want to fuck thats fine but not behind my work place, I was not, okay maybe a little, years okay. She was giving me a headache, so I went to ask politely, it was for protection. I took my bone saw and my baseball bat, it was bitch to clean.

They were rude I may have lost my temper, and smashed the man's skull in it took a lot of hits, don't know, liar. The woman was easy, experiment no 2, no 4, anyway I sawed her head off, took my bat and thought why not, hehe it exploded, sick" you do jazz hands.

Mikey sighs and Sanzu laughed "You were jealous, that bitch was getting it, and you weren't" Sanzu laughs more "Shut up Pshyco, takes one to know one".

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