Ch 8 Manic⚠️

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Back at HQ, you all sit in the lounge, you are sat on Mikey's lap "So am I moving in? And what about work?, I don't know" holding you tight, "Yes you can move in, the men will get your stuff, you will be off work for quite a while, we have to renovate the clinic, the doctor took the offer, so calm down and relax for a bit" Mikey answers your questions, you lean in to him.

"I don't like seeing you looking like that Y/n, go wash off the makeup" Sanzu ordered you turn and glare at him "Did you just order me?, really you sure, I think so to" you say "Please go and wash the makeup off Sweets, I don't like seeing you like that" he repeated, but nicer than before, you soften your glare and nod, leaving to wash up.

They are sat chatting when they hear "Hello, are you new?, are you sure, well she feels real, yes I poked her, hello, who are you?" Rindou and Sanzu stood up and raced to you hearing a reply "Who the fuck are you? Are you a whore? And touching someone like that is rude, I could have you killed" hearing a manic giggle, they pick up speed.

Rindou slightly faster he grabs you as the women went to hit you, Sanzu grabs the girl "Wow bitch, don't touch what you can't afford, I could be but I don't charge, well I could kill her" you say giggling again, Rindou holding you close, the girls speaks out "Rindou is she your whore?, she poked me, kill her for me" your giggles become manic laughter.

Sanzu puts his hand over the girls mouth, and whispers to her "If you don't want to die shut up, she is not in her right mind at the moment" Rindou holds you tighter "Sweets, she is Kokonoi's PA, he needs her for now, calm down" he strokes your hair, picks you up in a princess carry taking you to the lounge, Mikey accepts you on to his lap.

You keep rambling "Have me killed, I know, bitch, bet she screams real nice tho, shall we, no alive" insane laughter, Sanzu brings in the PA, "Old hag, keep this on a fucking leash, we don't take orders to kill from a bitch" Sanzu rants you keep giggling and you say "why is she here? Your right, it was a day off, no the office is downstairs, haha funny" the guys freeze at what you said.

Kokonoi looks at his PA "Wait Y/n is right, why are you here Kia?, I gave you the day off because we weren't here, also why are you in the private rooms, I gave you access, but not to use it unless it was an emergency" you look up a crazed look in your eyes "Traitor, did you plant the recorders, I saw you come out of Mikey's room, I know for a fact he didn't fuck you, I would laugh, shut up, no one hurts my family, if she dies can I have her eyes they are pretty?"

Kokonoi sighs "Answer the questions Kia, you are in so much trouble" Kia speaks up "why are you listening to an insane whore?" you laugh, the guys growl Kia flinches realisation seeing you sitting on Mikey's lap "Is she the Boss's lover" everyone laughs.

Mikey asks "Kia, answer the fucking questions before I decide not to care about the answers" she flinches "I I um I planted the devices, the...... Cartel ordered it, Yuri was ment to collect them, but she disappeared" you laugh louder, the guys snickering
"I have no excuse, they wanted Boss's device pretty bad, so I knew you were out today, I wanted to retrieve it, but I couldn't find it, and I guess I ran out of time".

"Mikey please, the eyes please" you beg, he pats your head putting you sideways and pulling you in then answers "Yes you can have the eyes. Now sleep, the meds are finally out of your system, so sleep" stroking your hair, you fall into a deep sleep.

He looks at Kia "Now first of all she lives here and is welcome, second she is not a whore, she is my childhood friend, third I will not kill on your order, fourth you tried to hit her and lastly she may be a tiny bit insane, but she is smarter, prettier and richer than you, kill her and put the eyes on ice" a BANG and she stares blankly Sanzu pick up the body and takes it away.

Rindou says "She is right, her eyes were really pretty, and Boss did you say the meds are out of her system?, Mikey hums and nods" She becomes a little less patient, especially to women, not sure why she hates them so much. Don't worry she will get the hang of having the full range of emotions again soon. Now I am taking her for a nap" he gets up and leaves.

After he walks out, the guys look at each other "She sounded unhinged right" asks Takeomi, looking around Ran says "Good job we don't bring women here, we could come down to a bloodbath", Kokonoi speaks "I have to get another PA, well fuck" Rindou asks "so am I the only one who thought she looked hot as fuck" they all look at him strangely while nodding.

Sanzu walks in saying "I don't want to give her dick, but she is hot as fuck when crazy, plus that whole bitch is on ice, here is her phone" he throws it to Koko, "see if you can get some info off it, I don't care who, I need to change, I got blood all over my back" he finishes as he walks off, "So brother, you have it bad for the little psycho?" Rindou looks at him and walks off "Maybe" was all he said.

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