Ch 17 Privacy ⚠️

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As you sat having food Sanzu frowns and says "That's right Sweets, where is your Dad?" you flinch not looking at anyone and continue to east saying "not sure, what you mean Sanzu. I am sure he is about somewhere" Sanzu and Mikey freeze and stare at you when Mikey said "oh, not in contact then I take it? not seen that woman around for a while either".

Nodding you continue to eat "yeah, no contact for what years now? I know, sad really" then you slam a hand over your mouth and ignore everyone, a clearly not well hidden chuckle was let out, closing your eyes, you sigh move the plate and lay on the table saying very slowly "obviously she is not available, ever again".

A clearing of a throat you groan "and he is somewhere or everywhere at this point. Rivers flow, the sea comes in and out. So I have no idea where he is" loud laughter from the pink Idiot after your reply a long loud sigh from Mikey, he stands places a hand in your head and asks "I knew the woman would of gone, but why him?" you mumble out "he saw me. Can't leave witnesses Mikey" he twitched and cringed, hugged you and went back to his seat.

You were sat on a lap and the food placed back in front of you, a giggle then you started to eat happily again, to the indulgent looks of the guys. Finally finished eating you sprawled across Rins lap, to his chuckles when Mochi asked "I don't want to sound cruel, but why didn't you get rid of that woman who was threatening you?".

Flinching you go to speak when Mikey beats you to it "because she belonged to us, they were our company. This idiot will not do anything to hurt us" you grumble as they all look at you in shock, then a voice calls "fucking idiot" you growl at the voice.

Then frown looking around asking "did one of you call me a fucking idiot Just now?" shakes of the head, frown deepening you get up and follow the voices direction, worried looks follow your movements, you stop at a cupboard, opening the door, you see a figure and you poke it.

Blinking you shout "guys there seems to be a body in the cupboard, and it's real" rushed footsteps move towards you, Rin picks you up gently and move you behind him, you huff and say "did he call me and idiot?" Ran says "I doubt it Sweetness, he is dead" you frown and growl.

Rin turns and holds you as you rant "the voice came from over here. I will find it" pulling you in Rin asks "why does this one matter love?" blinking you say "it sounded real, like real, real" Mikey gasps and says "it wasn't a subconscious thought? It was an outside source?" you nod point and say "that".

They all pale and arrange a search of the penthouse leaving you with the corpse, looking closely you scrunch up your face and look to Mikey saying "I think I know this person? Not sure how though" he sighs and pulls you in for a hug whispering "you have worked with him before, he is a manager of one of our companies".

Twisting your lips you look into space asking "how did he get in the cupboard? I don't remember putting a body in there" he blinks and laughs then asks "do you remember leaving bodies anywhere else in here then?" looking up at him you giggle and shake your head, hugging him hard.

Hearing that voice again you pull out the body and search him, you laugh and hold up a recorder that is playing, Mikey grabs it and calls the men back, sitting back on the couches, Mikey plays the recording, and frowns at what he is hearing.

Tilting your head you ask "did that voice say they were going to set you up with his body? Or am I hearing shit again?" Rin holds you tight and says "no love you heard correctly" cuddling in you listen to the rest, then you hear a voice letting them in to the penthouse and you laugh.

"What's so funny?" asks Takeomi, you keep laughing and say "I know that voice, brilliant" jerking Sanzu asks "which one?" you sing "the female, she's the receptionist on Thursday mornings" they flinch and Ko winces saying "well hell, can't I get one good fuck?" you chuckle and add "the male voice is her boyfriend" Ko stares at you as you smirk to him.

Slamming his head on the coffee table you wince and say "maybe stick to the whores man?" he groans, Rin bites your neck hard and you moan, then glare at him, he smiles and asks "so how did you know them?" smiling you admit "I keep tabs on all women in this building, I have all their details".

They all still and pale when Ran whispers "all of them? Even the part timers?" you smile and nod happily, Mikey laughs and says "can we have the details?" you nod and run off to your room. Takeomi says "that is paranoia at its best" they all nod, when you run in with an A4 ring binder full and bursting.

Handing it over you are pulled back onto Rins lap as he kisses your cheeks and whispers endearments, you smile hug him giggling. Reading all the information Sanzu says "this is great, the detail is impeccable. How did you get so much?" avoiding eye contact you cough and avoid the question, he stiffens and stares at you.

Sanzu gets up pulls your face around, your eyes moving avoiding looking into his eyes he demands "how did you get this info?" twitching you bite your lip he growls and you break screaming "cameras, okay also listening devices" they all flinch and cringe.

Mochi asks "you have fitted these on all floors? Apart from ours?" you groan and give a small nod, Ran laughs and says "privacy doesn't exist now?" you scream "not when it involves safety" he winces and says "okay sorry" you scream "shut up, I was right, now shut up" Rin kisses you saying "okay ignore them love, you found a problem".

Mikey says "move on this, we will ignore the privacy thing for now" as he stares at you in worry, they all have similar faces as they respond with "yes Boss" and they make calls. Mikey asks "how did you do this without anyone knowing?" sheepish chuckles leave you and a throat clears you groan saying "I don't want to, it will be hell, you, no you".

Mikey sighs and demands "now Y/n" growling in frustration you say "did you know you lot sleep really heavily? And your guards are easy to drug" they all stare at you in horror as Rin laughs hugging you.

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