Chapter 2: Arrival

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Kai's POV:

Everything was turning out amazing, he and his childhood best friends got to go to the best school in the world to achieve their dreams and he ate a good breakfast. The two of them were in his family's kitchen as he watched her cook up some of the best food he had ever seen. "I wonder how the school works." He thought kicking his legs on the stool he was sitting on. Nobody had ever really gotten too much information about what happened there. Most of the former students never talked about what they did just about how they loved it so much. "Hey, Kai?" Jenne asked him. He looked up, "Yeah?" She turned around, "Do you think we'll be in the same class?" "I'm sure of it maybe our old school told them how well we worked together during the last science fair!" She still looked doubtful and he didn't know how to cheer he up so he decided to change the subject. "So what's your dream?" He asked her smiling. "Oh, I-I-I-wanted to become more confident..." Her answer took him by surprise. "She is a wonderful person so why would she worry about being confident?" The sharp smell of smoke cut them short as Jenne began to gag and the sound of heavy footsteps was heard from down the hall. His dad had just lost a game of poker, he knew this same scene like the back of his hand. He'll come in, get mad, and might do some worse things depending on whether he was drunk or not. Kai glanced around the room trying to figure out a quick way to escort Jenne out or hide. His mom was showering so she couldn't do much. His head spun, he wasn't ready for her to find out more about his dad. "I could go out into the hall and distract him for a second while she goes up to my room. No, it would never work because she doesn't know where it is even if I did tell her the plan." He thought but he had run out of time. His father turned the corner holding an empty bottle in one hand and smoking in the other. His broad shoulders and large stature made him look even more intimidating. Adrenal kicked in and he grabbed her hand and ran up to his room. 

Jenne's POV: 

She was still gagging when somebody gently grabbed her hand and led her away though she did hear yelling she kept following whoever grabbed her. She was taken up a carpeted stairwell and through a doorway, when she got her bearings together Jenne saw Kai sitting in front of her. He looked ashamed and embarrassed then told her, "Sorry about my dad he...Does that sometimes." "Oh! You're fine I'm sorry about your family situation!" For the first time in a while, she didn't sputter when she spoke. She looked around soon realizing that this was his room. It was messy but had charm, there were glow-in-the-dark star stickers on the ceiling along with posters of various astronauts. After all of their years of being friends, she had never been in his room and it was very cozy. He had small inventions lying on the floor and a big messy bookshelf with more tools on it than books. He had a bed and the blanket on it had a galaxy print. "Hey I bet the trains will be coming soon we should get to the train station." "Is your mom done in the shower?" She asked. "I'll go check you can stay here while I do it." "I wonder if we are going to stay friends in the school or if he'll leave me for cooler people." Jenne thought starting to feel panicked again. But she calmed herself down when she remembered what her grandma told her when she asked for advice, "If he's stuck with you for this long he's not going to leave you to second he goes to a new school." Jenne distracted herself by continuing to look around. There were energy drink cans on the floor by and small machine. She crawled towards it, it had a wood texture and had been delicately painted white with the start of some flowers on the side. "He normally spray paints his inventions because it's quicker and cheaper." She thought opening it up. The inside looked old and weathered but a small ballerina twirled as a soft melody filled the room. It was a music box that he was fixing up, she had one as a little girl that they would play with but she lost interest in it as they grew older. "Hey she's almost done getting dressed-" Kai said as he opened the door and walked back into the room. "Oh sorry, I really didn't mean to be nosy but I saw it on the floor and got curious." "It's fine, I don't mind at all! The thing is a music box that my mom gave me when I was younger. I was looking through old pictures of us hanging out together and I saw yours that's why I got motivated to repair this one!" "All right, I'm done and ready to drive you to the station!" His mother called from downstairs. She got up and walked out, excited to finally go to their new lives. 

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