Chapter 4: The Headmaster

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Kathrenn's POV: 

"HEY!" She shrieked as she was thrown into a gross cell. The guards didn't say anything they just ran from her almost as if they were scared of her. Before long they were out of her line of sight and down the hall. "What was Nelia even talking about, I thought Blinding Sights were evil people who used their magic for bad things. Why am I here!" She wondered starting to panic. Kathrenn searched for something to break out with or to have. She didn't know what was going on or what the Shining Light was talking about. Kathrenn only managed to find a dusty chain and some old shackles, which wasn't much. Her cute brand-new hightops were getting dirty and it did not go well with a denim mini skirt, a tight pink hot top, and ribbon bows in her blond hair. More sound came from the hallway and she hurried to see if she would be let out. But they just threw another person in and ran away, the person on the ground was that boy she met during the train ride. His big eyes looked unreving as he stared at her, "Wasn't your name...Noah!" She remembered. "You seem very proud of yourself for remembering someone's name." He said pulling himself off the ground. "I haven't seen you for a while, give me a break!" She said annoyed. She wanted to smack his face but wasn't in the mood to make any more enemies than she already had. "Did they think that you were going to be a Blinding Sight?" He nodded looking around the room. Its stone brick walls looked worn and Noah wandered around looking for an exit. There were no windows and the room was rather small so the only real way out was the locked door. "I'm sure they'll come to their senses soon they have to!" She thought. "I wonder if my sister is okay," Noah said to her. "Who's your sister?" Kathrenn asked him. "Her name is Serina she was one of the people who got mixed up with our grade for a bit." Come to think of it she did remember a girl who waved to him when they left but she would have never guessed they were siblings. Noah had darker skin and fluffy brown hair while she was pale and long curly golden hair. Even their clothing styles were different, he had dark academia while she was wearing a knee-length dress. He had seemed to read her mind and said, "I got a lot more from my father than my mother, and for her, it was the opposite." Suddenly there were more footsteps down the corridor and loud crying sounds. "Who is it now?" She was pretty sure he said something but she couldn't hear over the absurdly loud wailing. The footsteps started getting louder and she found herself hiding behind Noah just in case. But when they got to the door of the cell all they threw in was another girl. She had straight black hair that went to her mid-thigh and was wearing a white dress, a bit like the ones you would wear to church. "Jenne?" She asked her. She pulled herself off the ground revealing her puffy eyes as she fell onto Kathrenn and continued to cry. "My life is ruined and everything I've ever done is worthless!" She sobbed as Kathrenn tried, and failed, to comfort her. "What happened to you?" Noah asked her flatly. "Nelia said I would become a-" Jenne broke again into a wailing fit. Kathrenn was not going to deal with all of this she was going to get out of here with the others. 

Kai's POV: 

"Hey! Let me go!" He yelled as they grabbed him and dragged him through the school. Their steel armor was far too strong for him to deal any damage to the guards, as much as he tried there was nothing he could really do. So he took the time to try and look at the school. It was beautiful and he wished he had more time to take it all in but that was kind of hard when you were being pulled along. Just like the other people on the train he had been predicted to turn into some "evil wizard", which was completely incorrect. Kai never wanted to hurt anyone so there must have been some mistake. "What were they talking about?" He remembered overhearing part of some of the guard's conversations, they were talking about the top student getting cursed. He didn't know much about curses but he was excited to go to the library and learn. Too bad now he was being dragged down a long flight of stone stairs into a dimly lit hallway, and quickly thrown into a cell with the door slammed behind him. He pushed himself up just to be met with 3 other people. A girl with long curly blond hair stood above him, another boy was staring at the wall, and a girl dressed and a dirty white dress was on the ground balling her eyes out. She seemed so familiar and as he kept thinking it came to him, it was Jenne. "Oh course it is she also was taken away!" He thought feeling dumb. He felt even dumber when he realized she was crying and he was sitting there like an idiot. "Jenne, are you ok?" Kai rushed to her side unsure of what to do. Her black hair covered her face, and the other girl, whom he recognized as Kathrenn from the train, pushed him out of the way. "Move it, weirdo!" She said. "I know her, we're friends!" She didn't look convinced but Jenne said something to her and she moved. "Hey, it'll be ok, don't worry!" He said trying to make her feel better. The other boy in the cell turned to look at them, "Not too many people make it out of prison once they're wrongfully convicted. I know I was but for all I know you all could be Blinding Sights." "Shut up, Noah!" Kathrenn said, "There was a misunderstanding!" Sound was heard down the hallway and Noah rolled his eyes, "Another? This cell is cramped enough." He complained. The whole routine was done again. Guards come, throw the teen in, lock the door, and leave. This time because the cell was so cramped whoever was thrown in hit Kai. He was leaning up against a wall and when he opened his eyes he found Astra next to him, unconscious. Everybody else in the cell stared for a second and he felt his face grow hot. "Guys she's unconscious!" He yelled and turned to her. Her face seemed paler than when he saw her earlier, everyone else walked over to check. Her eyes slowly opened and Kathrenn said, "How did she get knocked out anyway?" Nobody knew and Astra wasn't fully awake yet. "I'm not sure but it could have been a panic attack," Noah suggested. "Are we just going to stay here and slowly rot away?" Jenne asked sniffling. "Of course not your getting out of here right now." A voice came from behind them. They all looked at the sound and found a tall man standing on the other side of the bars. He had a darker skin tone with dreads and didn't look that much older than them. He was wearing long white robes that had gold embroidery on them along with gold jewelry and an expensive-looking pair of sandals. "Hello, am I the Headmaster of the Academy and I need to speak with you."

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