Chapter 5: First day!

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Jenne's POV: 

The sticky smell of perfume greeted Jenne as she woke up, after they met with the Headmaster last night a large number of guards had led them to their dorms. The dorms were further away from the others in their little part of the castle but Jenne was thankful that everyone got their own room. There was a living area with a kitchen and five doors each leading to their sleeping area with a bathroom. Her was between Kai's and Kathrenn's, making it a bit hard to sleep because Kai tinkered with a few basic appliances in the kitchen all night and Kathrenn was doing vocal exercises. The room itself was decently big but blandly decorated, "I remember reading somewhere that they decorate the rooms very simply so the students get their own room decor." She was already making plans in her head, the desk would need supplies, and she could put a rug, along with maybe some plants around. Jenne exited the room and found out that the others were already in the living area. Noah was reading a thick-looking book in a chair near the window and Kai seemed to be working on some sort of new gadget. Astra and Kathrenn were arguing in the middle of the living area. "Can you stop spraying perfume everywhere!" Astra told her, "I just did it to cover up the gasoline smell!" She responded waving her hands in front of her face as if the smell was still in the air. "Hey, gasoline smells good!" Kai chirped from his spot on the floor. "I take it you're the one who caused it," she said glaring at him. He looked down guiltily. From as long as Jenne knew him Kai was never good at lying and rarely did it in general. "I was trying to make a remote-controlled drone." He told her his voice dripping in sass. Kathrenn rolled her eyes as Jenne jumped in to defend Kai, "His room was right next to mine and I didn't smell it!" He gave her a wide-toothed grin and then turned his attention to Astra as she spoke, "I would prefer gasoline over a sickening amount of perfume." It seemed after that the argument was settled, and she looked at Astra in admiration. She, her, and Kai had always gone to the same middle school but she had never talked to her that much. She just stopped that argument easily, while Jenne would have just frozen up. Suddenly she got an idea, if these people were going to be her group then it would be useful to know what their dreams were. If all magic came from the hope that you'll achieve it it would probably be a good idea to share them with everyone. "Um, guys-" She began trying to get their attention. After the fight finished they all spread out to do their own things. Astra was chatting with Kai about what he was working on, Kathrenn was walking back to her room, and Noah was still reading blissfully by the window. Jenne was nervous about talking with the others so she headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast. The fridge was stocked with some basic meal items, it turns out the school doesn't have a cafeteria, and the students are expected to cook for themself. When she was researching the school with her family it said that they did this so they would learn responsibility. Every few days they would provide more ingredients and you could make special requests if you had high enough grades. "It seems strange that they don't have a cafeteria but I don't mind cooking it is one of my greatest talents. Maybe I'll make everyone breakfast so we can get to know each other better." Nobody had talked about the prophesy yet and it seemed like an unspoken rule not to bring it up. She pulled her long, silky, black hair into a ponytail and opened the fridge. There was exactly what she thought there would be, but she could make due. Jenne took out a pan and turned on the stove then waited for it to heat up. She may be shy and introverted but right now she was in the zone and all she wanted was to make a good meal for her friends. "Whatcha making?" Kai appeared behind her making her drop an egg onto the floor that she pulled out of the fridge. "Sorry!" Jenne said quickly and he laughed. "Why do you say sorry for things that aren't your fault?" He got a paper towel and wiped it up before she could answer. "Anyway, what are you making?" He asked again tilting his head a little. "Oh, I'm making eggs and bacon with hashbrowns. I would have made something nicer but there is not much to work with." She told him to put five plates on the table. "Thanks for doing this you didn't have to!" She smiled at that, happy that he was enjoying it. "What's this?" Astra asked coming in. "Oh Jenne made breakfast for everyone!"  She gave her a strange look and sat down at the table putting a folded napkin on her lap. Kai walked out to get the others, just the two girls. She felt awkward and didn't know what to say to her, Astra had beautiful light blue hair with lavender ribbons holding them up in pigtails. "I should make small talk," She thought but when she turned to her she spoke to her first. "I want you to stay away from Kai." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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