11. Change is Best

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May 16th 1999

It was completely silent in the Great Hall of Godric's Hollow. The streets of Hogwarts were empty. All of the inhabitants of the town were gathered into the Hall, crammed in tight, pressed up against one another. They all stared toward the front of the Hall, wide eyed and amazed. It had never been done before, what was happening here that day, and none of them had wanted to miss a moment of history.

There were two thrones, large and made of gold. One of them was half covered by a dark brown fur throw, the edges sewn with purple velvet: the colour of royalty. It dangled off the edge of the throne, trailing across the ground, and covered the back of the seat, hiding the Potter crest, which was engraved there. On the larger chair sat a smallish golden crown. The Queen's old crown.

Lily Potter watched from the edge of the room, her back as close to the wall as she could get. She stayed in the shadows; half afraid of her own people, but she didn't want to miss the coronation either. Two months had gone by since her husband died and The Lambs had been in an uproar. It had been chaotic. Nobody wanted to take charge, or everyone did but no one could decide who was the best choice. Half of them wanted to kill Lily for treason, and the other half wanted to continue fighting the werewolves.

Harry had stayed in the Forbidden Forest, refusing to leave Fenrir's embrace as he cried. Remus had stayed beside them both; even as Sirius had wiped away his own tears and helped some of the others transport James' body back to Hogwarts. Remus had watched his old friend go sadly. He knew there was nothing he could do to change Sirius' mind about Fenrir. Black loved Harry, undoubtedly, but his mind would be too preoccupied with grief for James for him to be able to sort out his feelings for the mate of their Prince. James had his send off three weeks after his death as was customary, and Harry had appeared alone just as the pyre had been lit. The next three weeks were used by Harry to make changes, to force through new laws and orders, and to make people trust in him again.

The last week had been spent preparing for the coronation.

Sirius stood on the dais, silent and regal, dressed in full-length midnight blue robes. In his hands, he held the crown that had once been worn by James, and James' father before him, and his father before that. His eyes were fixed on the simple brown door that was slowly opening. The crowd turned their eyes in that direction as well, looking away from the thrones towards the figure that had just stepped onto the dais.

In the front row, Snape and the Malfoys, and the Weasleys watched tensely. This was the first time any thing of the sort had ever happened at Hogwarts, this was the first time a Werewolf would reign over them, and sit upon their throne.

Harry walked towards Sirius, his head held high. He was dressed in royal purple robes, the edges trimmed in gold fur. The material was twisted around him; the style of the robe gathering the fabric above his stomach so that when it hung down it half concealed the large bump on his abdomen. It didn't hide the fact that he was pregnant, but it helped. The submissive wolf, six-months gone with child, let his eyes rove over all those who had come to watch him. He met his mother's eyes and Lily flinched back, lowering her gaze. He stopped just in front of Sirius, standing before the throne draped with the fur, and met his godfather's grey eyes.

"Do you, Harry James Potter, son of James, swear fealty to your throne? To your people and your crown?"

"I do."

"Will you, by whatever power you hold, strive to defend and protect your people from harm?"

"Those who are innocent, yes."

Sirius raised an eyebrow at him, but continued to speak. "Do you accept the title of King and all of the burdens that come with it?"

"I do."

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