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"Hey, Meliodas, are you sure about this?" Hawk asks, as the group now walks through the Forest of White Dreams. "We've been out here three hours now. There's no sign of any animals, much less any humans either." The pig points out. "You're right, Hawk. Sir Meliodas, do you really think we'll be able to find one of the Seven Deadly Sins here?" Elizabeth asks, looking back at the blonde. "Probably." Meliodas replies. "So we came here without any solid proof?" Seraphina asks. "I heard there's a terrifying monster who lurks around here watching, and waiting--" Hawk says and gets cut off by Elizabeth and Seraphina's yelps. "What is it?!" Hawk asks in a panic. "I... I can feel something grabbing me from behind." Elizabeth says. "Same here." Seraphina agrees. "Hey, relax. Just me." Meliodas tells them and they sigh. "Oh, good. What a relief." Elizabeth wipes her forehead. "What are you doing?" Seraphina asks, feeling Meliodas' hand on her back. "He's such a creeper!" Hawk shouts. "Well, putting that aside for just a minute." Meliodas steps away from them. "Good, I thought you'd never stop." Hawk says.

"I might have a little evidence." Meliodas says, looking around. "Traveling through the Forest of White Dreams on horseback is more difficult than you think. It's so hard to get your bearings that experienced travelers go around it." Meliodas shares. "Which makes it the perfect place for someone to hide out!" Seraphina notes, bouncing a little. "Wait a minute." She pauses and bounces again feeling an extra bounce from her chest. "Something doesn't feel right." Elizabeth says, putting her hands on her butt. "Am I missing something?" Seraphina wonders, putting her hands on her breasts. 'They're gone!' Seraphina thinks. "Are you two okay?" Hawk asks. "Sure, just fine!" Elizabeth replies but Seraphina stays silent. 'How are they gone? I put them on this morning.' She thinks, walking ahead to catch up with Meliodas. 'Did I forget? No, I'd never forget something like that!' Seraphina thinks feeling her breasts. 'They're really gone!' She frowns. "Now, come on, slowpokes. Pick up the pace, would you?" Hawk shouts. "Coming!" Elizabeth calls back.

"Hey, hold your bacon. Not a lot of fun traveling with a nervous piggy." Meliodas tells him. "Whoa!" He stops, making Seraphina stop. "What do you mean calling me a nervous piggy?" A herd of Hawks asks in unison. "Huh?" They all look at each other confused. "It's a herd. They're all me!" A Hawk says. "Yeah, I know!" Another agrees. "What's going on?" A third asks as they all look at each other. "This is the monster of the forest?" Elizabeth asks. "It's cute!" Seraphina smiles. "I, for one, find it terrifying." Meliodas says. "Meliodas! Look, you gotta help me out here. I'm the real one!" A Hawk says, running to the blonde. "Whatever, you faker!" A second Hawk says. "Hey, zip it, porky!" A third says. "Hmm? Uh..." Meliodas scratches his cheek and runs at the herd, hitting them all. "He's not a nice man." A Hawk says. "Hawk!" Elizabeth calls. "Elizabeth, help!" All the Hawks run over to the princess crying. "Please, even my mom would never hit me like that!" They say hiding behind the princess. "Uh, Hawk?" Elizabeth questions as the fog gets thicker around her. A figure emerges scaring her. "Who's there?" She asks. "Oink." The real Hawk says.

"I'm so confused." He says, seeing more figures surround them and Seraphina takes a step closer to Meliodas. "They're all me?" Elizabeth asks, seeing the figures clearly. "Hi, Sir Meliodas!" All the Elizabeth says in unison. "It's me, you realize that, right?" An Elizabeth asks. "No, here. I'm the real one!" Another says. "Don't trust them. It's really me." A third adds. "You are not! I am the real one." One argues. "Wow! What a bevy of boobies!" Meliodas says. "I don't think now's the time for this." Seraphina says, staring at the Elizabeths confused. "Leave this place." A voice says. "Leave... Get out of this forest, human." A second one says. "Sir Meliodas!" An Elizabeth calls as more emerge from the forest. "Huh, I really can't tell one from the other." Meliodas stares at them with his arms crossed. "Sir Meliodas!" The Elizabeths lunge at the blonde but Meliodas wraps an arm around Seraphina's waist and jumps over them landing on a rock. "Oh, my goodness. However, can I tell which one of you is the real one?" Meliodas feigns confusion. "That's me." "You can trust me. I'll do whatever you want." The Elizabeth says.

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