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"Wow, my feelings are hurt. Who am I? Have you really forgotten about me?" The kid asks. "I don't remember you at all. Sorry there, bud." Ban tells him. "Well, I guess it doesn't matter too much. The important thing is..." The spear drills through Ban and flies out the other side leaving a gaping hole in the man's chest. Seraphina gasps and tries to go over but Ban holds up a hand to stop her. "that you are Ban the Fox Sin, the Sin of Greed!" The boy lands on the spear which hovered above everyone. "Or maybe you'd prefer it if I called you this name..." Seraphina steps in front of the children to prevent them from seeing the fight. Ban heals himself and wipes his mouth for blood. "... Ban the Undead." "You got a smart mouth, kid, and I'm getting sick of your tone. What the hell do you know about me, anyway?" Ban tells him. The kid looks down at him and lets out an exasperated sigh. "I know your sin." He says.

"Huh?" Ban and Seraphina look at him confused. "Even if you don't remember me, you can still remember your own sin, can't you? You know, that terrible awful crime you committed." The kid starts explaining. "To satisfy your selfish greed and gain eternal life, you murdered the Holy Woman of the Fountain of Youth!" He shares. Seraphina stares at Ban with wide eyes and the older man sighs. "Listen up, brats. Get out of here." Ban instructs them. "Come on." Seraphina grabs the children's hands and runs away. She looks back to see Ban and the boy fighting. Not watching where she was going Seraphina bumps into someone. "There you are." She hears a familiar voice say as arms wrap around her waist. "Meliodas!" Seraphina notices the blonde. "It's Ban!" Seraphina points back at the Sin who is still fighting the boy.

Meliodas nods and walks over to them. "Who the hell are you?" Ban asks, raising his hand in the air. "Bad Ban!" Meliodas hits Ban on the head with a mug. "Huh?" Ban looks back at Meliodas, rubbing his head. "Hey, Captain, could you butt out? I'm kind of busy here." Ban tells him. "What's the matter with you, think you can skip out on work and kidnap Sera?" Meliodas asks. "I didn't kidnap anybody, she followed me. Plus, some little punk I've never seen before came out of nowhere and started a fight." Ban shares. "I mean, just look at what he did to my sweet threads!" He complains to his captain. "All right, someone better tell me what all this commotion's about." Diane says, walking over. "Huh?" She looks at the boy. She lets out a shocked exclaim and Meliodas looks at the boy. "King!" Both he and Diane said. "Tell me how that tiny creep's supposed to be King!" Ban yells, pointing at the boy.

"Well, maybe he lost a little weight?" Meliodas suggests. "A little weight? That ain't even the main issue here!" Ban yells. "King, we came to look for you, and now you're here. This is incredible, I'm so happy to see you again!" Diane beams. King just flies away without uttering a word to his comrades.


Everyone was now back at the tavern. Ban prepared food for the children and laid it out on the table. "Okay, everybody, dig in." He tells the children. "That smells amazing!" Elizabeth beams. Seraphina and Meliodas each hold one of Hawk's ears to keep the pig, who was foaming from the mouth, away from the meal. "Yup." Meliodas agrees. "It's great but we really don't..." "If you don't eat it we'll give it to the pig~" Seraphina warns him in a sing-song tone. Hawk shrieks excitedly. "We're eating!" The children say, making Hawk cry. "It's wonderful!" Ellen beams. "Come on, I need a taste!" Hawk whines. "It's the best I ever had! Thank you so much!" The boy thanks Ban. "It's time for some give and take. All right?" Ban sits down. "Now, tell me everything you know about this 'Necropolis' place." Ban tells them. "What are you doing, Ban? Finding King was our mission. So, there's no reason to go there anymore, right?" Meliodas tells him.

"No way in hell that little punk it King!" Ban argues. Seraphina looks at King's wanted poster and remembers King's appearance earlier. "I agree with Ban. Even if he lost weight, he still has no resemblance to the wanted poster." Seraphina agrees with the taller man. "See? Even the waitress agrees with me." Ban ruffles Seraphina's hair and hands her a bread roll. Seraphina beams and happily takes a bite from the bread, melting when the flavor hits her tongue. Meliodas chuckles at Seraphina's behavior and turns to Ban. "Trust me, that's really him!" Meliodas says. "I think he's a fake." Ban argues. "Nope, it's really him." Meliodas argues back. "He's a fake!" Ban argues again. "So, you guys are trying to get into the Necropolis too?" The boy asks, bringing the attention to him. "That boy's asked us questions about it a lot. And he told me that he had to find it, no matter what." The boy explains. "King said that, huh?" Meliodas questions.

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