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"Out of bed, you lazy butts! Come and get your breakfast!" Hawk yells from downstairs. Seraphina groans and snuggles closer into the body beside her. Elizabeth woke up and looked to her right where she saw Meliodas and Seraphina still asleep with Seraphina pulling Meliodas closer to her chest. The princess giggles, waking up the girl. Seraphina looks down at Meliodas and then back at Elizabeth. "Good morning Seraphina." Elizabeth greets. "Good morning, to you too, Elizabeth." Seraphina yawns and sits up stretching. "Oh, good morning Sir Meliodas." Elizabeth tells the blonde who just woke up. "Morning you two." Meliodas greets them. "Are you feeling better today?" Seraphina asks the princess. "Yes, much better." Elizabeth nods.

Once they were dressed everyone went downstairs to have breakfast. "Hawk, do you think you could have the ropes a little looser? He looked uncomfortable last night." Seraphina suggests, leaving out the part where she untied him. "It defeats the whole purpose if he's able to move! Lying there in the same bed as you two, he's gonna have more hands than a teenage octopus!" Hawk tells her. "Precautions must be taken!" He yells. "But..." "If you look at it as part of foreplay, it's actually not that bad at all." Meliodas tells the girl with his mouth full. "That's not what I meant!" Seraphina shakes her head, blushing, making Elizabeth giggle. "And don't eat with your mouth full." She warns him. "Who knows? Maybe tonight you could tie me up instead of Hawk." Meliodas says. Seraphina gasps, putting her hands on her cheeks and looking away. "You sleazebag!" Hawk shouts.

"Hey, did I hear somebody say we're gonna tie up Hawk?" Diane asks, peering through the window. "No one's roping my roast!" Hawk squeals. Ban walks into the main area, bringing attention to him. "I could sure use a drink, Captain." He says, sitting at the bar. "A little early don't you think?" Diane points out. "Would you like to have some breakfast with us?" Elizabeth suggests. "You don't expect me to eat the Captain's awful cooking, do you?" Ban asks, catching the bottle that Meliodas threw at him. Meliodas scoffs and chuckles, "If you don't like it, then make it yourself!" "Don't mind if I do." Ban replies. He pulls the cork off the bottle and the ale sprays in his face.

Meliodas lays a map on the table. "All right guys, time to head for the Necropolis. We'll start looking for King there." He says. "Hold on, didn't you say Fatty was six feet under these days?" Ban asks. "It's the only lead we've got so I think we might as well check it out." Meliodas replies. "The city of the dead sounds scary. What kind of place is it?" Elizabeth asks. "I have no idea. Honestly, the only thing I know about it is that it exists." Meliodas tells her. "Look guys if you ask me it's probably haunted with a spooky name like that. Bet it's gloomy and dark all the time with rows and rows of creepy graves everywhere." Hawk says. Elizabeth and Seraphina gasped, now scared. "There... won't be any bugs, right?" Diane asks. "Once we get there and start looking, what'll happen if we do find King? Do you really think he's still gonna be alive?" Hawk asks. "Hawk stop talking!" Seraphina shouts, covering her ears. "Some ghosts, huh?" Meliodas questions.


Seraphina sat on the steps leading to the tavern beside Ban, who was asleep. He wakes up when Mama Hawk stops walking at spots Seraphina beside him. "What the--" He slides down the steps. "We're here!" Meliodas announces, standing on Mama Hawk's snout with Elizabeth. "So this is the Necropolis?" Diane asks, looking at the village. "It's not what I expected." Everyone got off Mama Hawk's back so that she could burrow herself into the ground. "How'd a run-down little village end up with a name like that, anyway?" Hawk wonders. "Rumor has it, this should be the place that's closest to it." Meliodas replies. "Let's see if we can get some intel on King and find out where to go from here. And we're all gonna need to make a little food money right away, so... Let's get the tavern up and running." Meliodas tells them. "What do you know, guess the Captain really does sell the drinks." Ban says. "When he's working, he's so cute. O-M-G!" Diane beams.

"And I'm gonna put all you guys to work too!" He points at the Sins. "Bring in some customers, jumbo billboard girl!" He tells Diane. "Are you sure?" She asks with starry eyes. "You start grilling up some tasty grub, jailbird cook!" Meliodas tells Ban. "Oh, who, me?" Ban asks. "Are you sure you want this guy handling our food?" Hawk asks. "Trust me. I know it's hard to believe, but this guy is a real whiz in the kitchen." Meliodas replies to Hawk. "Yeah. Oh, I don't know about that." Ban says. "All right, let's get to work. Put your backs into it, you guys." Meliodas ignores Ban. "Please, Sir Meliodas, I want a job. My injuries don't bother me anymore." Elizabeth tells him. "Just don't push too hard." Meliodas tells her. "You got it!" Elizabeth nods. Diane grabs Meliodas and rubs him on her cheek. "Aw, Captain, you made m the billboard girl! I'm so, so happy you chose me." She beams. "And don't worry, I won't let you down. I promise I won't!" "Diane you're gonna be great." Meliodas tells her.

"Oh, yeah, Ban! The pantry is out in the back." Meliodas looks down at where the Sin was only to find him gone. "Man, what a jerk!" Hawk says. "He just took off?" Meliodas asks. "Seraphina's gone too!" Elizabeth points out, noticing the girl's absence.


Ban walked through the village oblivious to Seraphina beside him. "I think the old Captain is losing his mind. What kind of info does he expect us to pick up in a gloomy place like this?" Ban asks himself. Seraphina hums in agreement bringing Ban's attention to her. "What the? What are you doing here?" Ban asks, spotting her. "I thought I'd join you in seeing the village." Seraphina replies, smiling. "Don't you have a job to do?" Ban asks her. "Don't you?" She fires back, still smiling. Ban scoffs, amused, and continues walking. "Man, oh man. This joint is seriously run down." Ban comments. He stops walking when he spots a child. "Why'd you stop?" Seraphina asks, looking over at the girl as well. "Elaine?" He questions. The girl looks over at them. "Sorry about that. It couldn't possibly be her." Ban says and Seraphina looks at him confused. They both hear a thud and look over at the girl who is now lying face-down on the ground.

"Oh, no!" Seraphina gasps and runs over to the girl. She kneels beside her and turns the girl face up, supporting her back with her arm. "Hey. Hey, come on." Ban kneels beside Seraphina and lightly hits the girl's cheek with the back of his hand. The girl wakes up and looks at Seraphina. "Are you all right?" She asks. "Get your filthy hands off Ellen!" A boy shouts. "Huh?" Ban and Seraphina look over at him. "Just what do you think you're doing to my sister?" The boy asks. "Look, kid. If you're her brother and watching out for her, shouldn't you make sure she's getting enough food?" Ban asks. "Shut up! Go away and leave her alone!" The boy shouts. "We're just trying to help so please answer the question. Are you making sure she's getting enough food?" Seraphina asks. "If not, we're taking her away from you." She adds. The boy charges at the two, much to Seraphina's surprise. She feels an arm wrap around her and move her out of the way. The sound of someone getting stabbed made her look back and see the kid stabbing Ban with the pitchfork.

"No, brother! They were only trying to help me, what have you done?" Ellen asks, running over to her brother. "But I thought..." The boy stutters. Ban pulls the pitchfork out of his chest and drops it. "I'm sorry. What can I do to atone for my sin, sir?" The boy bows. "You wanna atone, huh? What's there to make amends for, kid?" Ban asks, standing up. "But I just..." The boy gasps when Ban's injuries heal themselves. "Your wound!" He says. "There's something you should know. Real genuine sins... no amount of repenting erases them." Ban tells the children. Seraphina stands up and gasps when she sees a spear through Ban's chest and a child on the handle. "Glad you finally realized that." He says. Ban chokes and throws up blood. Seraphina stares at him with wide eyes. "Hey, Ban, how goes?" He asks but doesn't get a response. "Awesome, it's so great to see you after all these years. What's up? It's not like you to be so quiet." He continues talking. "Hold on. Who are you?" Ban asks. 

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