Chapter 7: "3 of june"

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Just one day passed since the incident in the Flag house, and meanwhile Bell was tortured himself to find out a plan to win Meegan, she was too busy taking care of her band, of her family

Inmeadiatly the day after all the Bell thing happened, she arrived to the X-Mas house and... guess who opened the door

Meegan arrived at the house in the morning knocking the door very hard, she was pretty mad for being honest

After a few second Frank opened the door with a angry look on his face but when he saw it was Meegan the one who was knocking he changed his face to a one more... happy..  he perfectly knew why Meegan was there

- oh hello darling... - he said as he can, he wasn't drunk but it was 11 am, he was clearly in a hangover

Meegan grunt taking him by his shirt getting in the house, he was weak for the hangover so Meegan easily pushed him against a wall - WHY THE HELL YOU CHANGED THE DATE?! - Meegan yelled what made Frank laugh still against the wall, he didn't defend himself... yet... he wanted to play a little with Meegan

- Sweetheart you know thats record's decisions - Frank said looking at Meegan eyes

- oh nonono i knew this have your name EVEYWHERE - she said pushing him again to the wall - you know your band can't compete with mine... so what's your plan?... it's about Dolores? Cause she's not coming back here she...

- shhh... - Frank said putting a finger on Meegan mouth - I know...

- You know what? - Meegan said looking at him

- About Kriss - he said laughing almost in a whisper they was too close so he easily can whisper everything so only Meegan can listen

In the moment Meegan listened that, she softened all his body as if someone just disconnected her from the world

- I mean come on, you think i dont remember the only friend of my lonely sister? I have been friend of Kriss since i have memory, Meegan you told me you was more intelligent - He continued while Meegan was analyzing eveything, he was right, he probably have been in touch with him more than with her... fuck

- alright... so what? What does it have to do with the album? - she said trying to keep her whole body firmly

- well... that i guess... Michael dont know about this...  - he said leaving the wall and walking toward Meegan - or im wrong?

- so what?... what that's convenient for you?... - Meegan said looking at the wall where Frank was

- im gonna be honest, i never have been a fan of yours neither of the American Flags... but i have to admit... you're a very hard competition... you know how many albums we have?  - he said walking behind Meegan getting closer to her slowly

- four - Meegan answered still looking at the wall

- yeah that's right, and no one of them in the first place of the billboard... now, how many albums you have? I mean you're band - he chuckled

- Two... - Meegan answered

- The half of us! And guess what, the both of them have been number one on billboard, your two albums honey, have been released at similar dates that our last albums, and just because you are a "new band" or the band of the moment all the press and the fucking public give you all the attention so you have more probabilities of achieve that place so now... im kind of  doing the same

- but we never copied your released dates - Meegan said reacting and facing Frank again

- But your record did! Probably not the exactly same day but at least on the same week and guess what, you perfectly know why you choose that date for this album - Meegan didn't answered - Cause it's the exact day when you and Michael met, 3 of june - he laughed - what a cheesy but interesting thing cause every single fan of you knows what that date means,  so they can make theorys or more merch about your ship, am i wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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