Chapter 2- Choices

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The golden hair boy lays on the floor as quiet as a ghost. He suddenly opened his eyes, revealing gorgeous purple orbs. He slowly looks up at the tall man who looks back down at him, filling the area with a gloomy aura.

"My names cliff, it appears you aren't from here either."

Cliff suddenly spoke in a casual tone, he didnt seem worried or paniced infact he seemed calm and remained very neutral.

"Uh- i uh- my names leon!"

He tried to speak up, and his body trembled in fear, thinking just who this man He felt confused and scared of what was happening. He noticed something different, though...
Earlier, he was in severe pain, puking his guts out and having a painful headache, but now he felt as fresh as a daisy.

"It appears you are confused. You are in a different universe. You feel through a ripple in the multiverse and ended up here, darkfall."

"You were in pain before because of the new environment, but i gave you mana, so you'll be fine for now."

Cliff said it very bluntly, but it was put in a simple manner that was easy to understand.


Leon, who was surprised by how casually he just said something as absurd as that. He was even more shocked by what he said. He wondered what he meant by a different universe. How could something like that happen, he thought to himself. He snapped and immediately responded with

"Are you insane, What do you mean i freaking fell through a portal, and im in a different universe, and what about my pain earlier and what's mana and-"

"I dont have tike to answer that many questions. It may seem crazy but it's true. Also, you were in pain because you aren't used to being in the universe, and mana is basically power. There i explained it."

Cliff cut off leon, answering his questions so nochantly like teachers answering their students' questions.

Leon just started at him, confused, thinking whether cliff was stupid or insane. He decided to calm down and made his decision that if that man was so unbothered by it, then so shall he. He stood up and faced cliff and asked

"Mana is power...then how do i get mana?"

He responded with a smirk. He had gotten used to his nochantly behavior so fast, a huge energy match.

As usual, cliff responded with the straightest face ever

"Kill... Kill others for power, such as defeating beasts and monsters"

Cliff looked at leon up and down. He could tell that leon was a dighter or warrior in his other universe. He sensed that him and leon were very alike by actions and personalities. He was right because leon responded with a small chuckle and said

"Alright, where can i find beast with a lot of mana then?"

He smirked with a huge ego.

_____________1 year later_____________

Leon came back covered in blood and full of energy.

"Ha, i killed 5 of them, im gonna gain so much, mana!"

Using the mana cliff gave leon, he used it to kill the monsters and take their mana as well.

"Hm, it's not that easy. Killing measly beasts would barely get you any. Even if you kill thousands of them, you wouldn't get enough."

Cliff mentioned. He then hesitantly responded with

"...if you were to take some lives of some humans, then you'd gain a lot of mana..."

There was silence in the area. It had become rather dull and awkward as if someone had said something insane which did happen. Leon finally broke the silence by yelling out

"W-what? Im sorry. Did i just hear you say kill humans? No are you crazy thats fucked up!"

"I know it may sound insane but what choice do we have? Its fine this land is filled with heartless bitches anyways...whats so bad about killing a few?"

"We need to protect outselves, well be weak if we dont get mana this way, if those people find us theyll call us demons and kill us and we wont be able to defend ourselves at out weakest."

Cliff tried justifying his ideas, making it seem like it was ok.

Leon walked away. He wanted some space for a bit and wanted to just think in a quiet place.

Leon finally thought to himself and mumbled and grinned a bit

"I do need mana.. could it really be that bad if i killed some people?"

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