Chapter 1

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Third POV

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Third POV

Toby groans, his fit of tics finally calming down after his release onto Natalie's back. He pushes his hair out of his face, jaw still clenched as he moves to sit on the edge of the bed. Once down from her high, Clockwork crawls over to Toby- pressing herself against his back and wraps her arms around his shoulders while trailing kisses down his neck.

She moves forward to planet a kiss onto his lips, but Toby quickly places his hand over her mouth. He raises a brow, "Y-You know I don't-"

"We've been fuck buddies for how long Toby? Nothing wrong with a kiss or two-" Natalie grins, trying to lean in for another.

Toby wiggles out of her hold, standing from her bed and moves around the room to gather his clothes- his tics quickly coming back as his body jerks involuntarily. "You sh-should wash up. You h-have a m-mi-mission later."

Clockwork scoffs, moving off her bed and walks to her build in bathroom. "Tch, whatever. Hope the door smacks your ass on the way out."

Toby quickly gets dressed, not sparing Clockwork another glance. He walks out of her room, closing the door with a heavy sigh- his fingers constantly twitching. "G-Great..." he grumbles.

He walks to his room on the third floor, trying to control his tics. Toby has tourettes syndrome as well as CIPA(Congenital insensitivity to pain and pain) He was born with these elements, though the bullying that came with it wasn't welcomed. He's grown pass it though, gaining the strength to overlook it and not allow it to bother him- even within the mansion.

Toby wasn't born a killer, the world made him one. The events of his upbringing made him Ticci Toby. A abusive stepfather, and a overlooking mother. But he dealt with it for the sake of his older sister, Millie. She gave him a reason to keep going, a reason to continue to leave in his hell. They had each other-

Until that night of the car crash.

He blames himself, hating that he gave into his rage instead of doing a better job of protecting his older sister. The little color around his world quickly became shades of grey. The haunting dreams didn't help either, her death always playing on loop- her mangled and mutilated body breaking him down even further.

The hallucinations grew worse as well, losing track of time- living day by day in a hollow shell of what he used to be. It wasn't until Slenderman finally made himself down. He showed Toby the truth, the truth of his sister's death- and that it was no accident.

So he gave in once again. Killing his mother, and his abusive step father. They took the one good thing in his life, the only person that brought color to his world- but he regrets it every now and then. There was one family, his second home- but he blames himself for breaking that one to. He blames himself for Danny's mysterious death, and the heart attack he caused his father- Mr. Crothers.

Toby came to a understanding that day, his mother was right.

Tobias Adams hurts everyone around him.

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