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"Mom." I got my mother out of her thoughts. Even though, my family members were not talking to me, they would listen to what I say, without answering.

"Okay fine, don't answer! My friends are coming up tomorrow, please prepare something special." I said. Without replying, she took out her food items book where she has the list of all the food items she can cook in parties.

"Thank you mom." I weakly smiled and went to my room.

Jennie pov

"Baby, please." An annoying voice came up to my ears, once again. "We just made love yesterday Nayeon! Shut the fuck up!" I thundered at her. Her eyes started to well up with tears.

"No need to use crying Nayeon! I won't always listen to you. Why do you always want sex and sex?! I won't make love with you!" I yelled loudly. I wish Lisa was here with me, she betrayed me.. She lost my respect for her.

"Jennie. I'm your girlfriend! Obviously, you would have sex with me!" She yelled back in the same voice level, making me even more angry. "Nayeon! You're creating a scene, I would break up with you if you won't stop this!" I warned her.

But only a smirk came from her. "Try, you don't have anyone after you break up with me. I know you won't." The older girl said, now it was my turn to smirk.

"I don't need anyone to be with. I'm enough on my own, Ms. Nayeon. You may get out of here." I said as I kicked her, making her groan in pain. "HOW DARE YOU-" I cut her words by a slap.

"You thought you could replace Lisa, huh? No matter how Lisa is, no one will ever replace her in my life. She was my wife, where as, you're just a girlfriend!" I yelled out loudly, she looked at me with grump on her face.

"I'll make sure you regret this." She mumbled before leaving. "Good decision, Jennie Kim." I said as I pat myself on the shoulder. Nayeon has broke my trust two times.

When I thought she has changed, she still hasn't. She's still the same. Still horny all the time, still needy all the time. How does she expect me to act normal to her?

Lisa was much better. Much better. Maybe, if she didn't cheat on me, we would still have been together and would have lived a happy married life. But I'm never going back to her again.

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